Thoma, Achilles 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 CN ON: LTE: Don't Let Your Munchies Get Carried AwayMon, 03 Apr 2017
Source:Hamilton Spectator (CN ON) Author:Thoma, Achilles Area:Ontario Lines:28 Added:04/08/2017

RE: Legalizing marijuana

The first mention of cannabis in the western literature comes from Herodotus, the father of history (484-413 BC). He tells us of the Scythians, an ancient civilization that lived near the Black Sea, who cultivated it and smoked it usually at funerals. They also ate their dead at banquets. In the Scythian culture it was considered a great dishonour not to be eaten (if diseased) by their family when one died of old age.

Next time you take a marijuana puff, remember where this custom came from and don't get carried away!

Achilles Thoma MD, Hamilton


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