Ogdensburg Journal, Advance News _NY_ 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2025
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1 US NY: LTE: Drug AddictsSun, 25 Mar 2001
Source:Ogdensburg Journal, Advance News (NY) Author:Shaver, Keith Area:New York Lines:82 Added:03/25/2001

To The Editor:

It's apparent we do reap what we've sown. The chemical people of the 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's are beginning to see the fruits of their labor.

Ogdensburg now has drug addicts that have no respect for human life. We now have drug addicts that care more for drugs than human life. We now have drugies who can watch a murder take place an casually forget about it for months.

At what point do these drugies become accessories to the murder? How many other drugies knew about the murder and kept their mouth shut? Ogdensburg has now seen the tainted evil side of drugs. Illegal drugs are drawing this country into the obyss; and if the drug lovers or advocates ever get their way we'll all get a chance to see hell on earth. Apparently we're not that far from there right now. In my lifetime I've seen my share of loss of lives; but this young man's death has to be one of the most useless loss of life, I've ever seen or heard of. The scary thing is this could of been anyone's child, in this city, who was killed.

[continues 517 words]

2 US NY: ReconsiDer Gets 450 Names On Drug Law Reform LettersSun, 19 Mar 2000
Source:Ogdensburg Journal, Advance News (NY) Author:Koch, Terry Area:New York Lines:81 Added:03/19/2000

Ogdensburg, New York -- St. Lawrence County's ReconsiDer chapter has collected more than 450 signatures on letters urging reform of the state's and nations's drug laws.

ReconsiDer member Lawrence Seguin of Lisbon said the group managed to round up the names on letters promoting a variety of issues over the past two months.

Seguin said he and fellow member Lee Monnet began circulating the petitions after a visit to the local chapter by Nick Aeyle of the state ReconsiDer organization.

[continues 419 words]

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