Goodell, Andrea 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2025
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1 US MI: Holland Eyes Tighter Medical Marijuana RulesSat, 26 Mar 2011
Source:Holland Sentinel (MI) Author:Goodell, Andrea Area:Michigan Lines:62 Added:03/26/2011

Holland, MI - Medical marijuana caregivers in Holland could have their homes inspected under a proposed ordinance.

The ordinance, which is scheduled for a public hearing April 12, would restrict the caregivers to "home occupation" or "home-based business" licenses, essentially barring storefronts. And those home businesses must apply to the zoning administrator and are subject to annual inspections.

"It would be strictly done out of the caregiver's dwelling unit - where they live," city planner Mark Vanderploeg said.

The local ordinance also would specifically ban the practice known as patient-to-patient transfers. Many medical marijuana dispensaries are based on the practice, which some say is banned in the state medical marijuana act and others say is allowed.

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2 US MI: Holland City Council Extends Medical Marijuana MoratoriumThu, 17 Feb 2011
Source:Holland Sentinel (MI) Author:Goodell, Andrea Area:Michigan Lines:65 Added:02/17/2011

Holland, MI - As Holland weighs its options, medical marijuana dispensaries continue to be banned within the city limits.

Where marijuana is grown and distributed is the issue, city planner Mark Vanderploeg said.

"Are (those activities) going to be taking place in our neighborhoods? This is a cause for concern for some people. Other people have said they don't like the appearance of a storefront," he said.

A three-month extension to the medical marijuana dispensary moratorium approved on "emergency" vote by the Holland City Council Wednesday allows city staff and officials to finish examining options. The emergency vote eliminates the 21-day wait - a six-month moratorium expires in one week.

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3 US MI: Holland Township Tightening Medical Pot RulesWed, 02 Feb 2011
Source:Holland Sentinel (MI) Author:Goodell, Andrea Area:Michigan Lines:72 Added:02/02/2011

Holland, MI - Medical marijuana dispensaries such as one on East Eighth Street would be banned in Holland Township under the latest version of a proposed township ordinance. So would patients or caregivers growing medical marijuana in apartments, condos or other multi-unit housing.

The fourth draft of a proposed ordinance under consideration is more specific and more strict than previous versions.

"There won't even be a compassion club where you can swap stories and hold someone's hand - if there is any kind of (medical marijuana transfer) related activity," township Zoning Administrator Jon Mersman said.

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4 US MI: Marijuana Moratorium Could Be ExtendedWed, 26 Jan 2011
Source:Holland Sentinel (MI) Author:Goodell, Andrea Area:Michigan Lines:41 Added:01/26/2011

A moratorium on medical marijuana dispensaries and changes to the language would tighten the city's grip on the trade.

The new, extended moratorium allows one caregiver in his or her "principal residence" to be excluded from the temporary ban on dispensaries.

"This is really an attempt to narrow even more than the initial moratorium did where this kind of activity might pop up," Community and Neighborhood Services Director Phil Meyer said.

The city is working with Holland Township to work out the best zoning and other regulations to handle medical marijuana in their communities.

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5 US MI: City Examines Medical Marijuana RegulationsThu, 13 Jan 2011
Source:Holland Sentinel (MI) Author:Goodell, Andrea Area:Michigan Lines:57 Added:01/13/2011

Holland, MI - The city of Holland could have any number of rules regulating medical marijuana caregivers within its borders. The planning commission, Tuesday, discussed three possibilities: regulating caregivers as home occupation businesses, type I home businesses or businesses allowed only within the commercial or industrial zones.

The Michigan Medical Marijuana Act passed nearly three years ago by a public referendum and allows patients to possess up to 12 plants or 2.5 ounces of marijuana and caregivers (for those who cannot grow their own medical marijuana) to serve up to five patients.

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6 US MI: Township Continues Marijuana DebateWed, 05 Jan 2011
Source:Holland Sentinel (MI) Author:Goodell, Andrea Area:Michigan Lines:57 Added:01/04/2011

Holland, MI -- Holland Township is inching forward with no solution imminent on medical marijuana regulations.

The planning commission continues to discuss a proposed ordinance that would require caregivers to register and bar storefront businesses. The ordinance was created in response to a medical marijuana dispensary in the township. As written, the proposal would put Patient Solutions 420 out of business, representatives from the business say.

"A lot of folks have put pressure on us saying we've got to get rid of this, and I'm not convinced we need to do that just yet," Township Planning and Zoning Administrator Jon Mersman said of Patient Solutions 420.

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7 US MI: Holland Township Discusses Medical MarijuanaTue, 07 Dec 2010
Source:Holland Sentinel (MI) Author:Goodell, Andrea Area:Michigan Lines:74 Added:12/08/2010

Holland, MI - Holland Township is hammering out an ordinance to regulate medical marijuana.

Although several proposals are being floated, the final language won't be presented until it has been vetted by attorneys and following an Ottawa County training program tonight in Allendale aimed at helping local governments understand the state law.

"None of us want to withhold medical marijuana from anybody," Chairman Marion Hoeve said.

In 2008, voters approved marijuana for medical purposes. The state law is generally considered to be unclear, and local governments are working to add their own regulations to the mix.

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8 US MI: Township Considers Licensing Medical Marijuana UsersTue, 02 Nov 2010
Source:Holland Sentinel (MI) Author:Goodell, Andrea Area:Michigan Lines:84 Added:11/02/2010

Local Ordinance Would Go Beyond State Law

Holland, MI - In a move to keep tabs on medical marijuana in Holland Township, a proposed ordinance mostly would mirror state law except in one significant way.

The township ordinance might also seek to require a business license for all patients and caregivers.

"This is the discussion stages, and I don't want to cut my planning commission out of this, that's for sure," Zoning Administrator Jon Mersman said. The commission plans to discuss the measure at its next meeting, at 7 p.m. Nov. 9.

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9 US MI: Park Township Board Extends Moratorium on Medical MarijuanaFri, 10 Sep 2010
Source:Holland Sentinel (MI) Author:Goodell, Andrea Area:Michigan Lines:47 Added:09/10/2010

Park Township, MI - Thursday Meeting

KEY ACTION: A moratorium on medical marijuana will stand for another six months while Park Township officials wait and see what might happen.

DISCUSSION: A zoning rule would have relegated medical marijuana caregivers to commercial property, required them to come to the Planning Commission for a special use permit and imposed other limitations. The board instead voted 4-3 to extend a moratorium on commercial medical marijuana facilities for another six months.

The planning commission, which created the ordinance, intentionally left the new zoning vague so it could address each request.

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10 US MI: Holland to Put Hold on Marijuana Dispensaries?Tue, 29 Jun 2010
Source:Holland Sentinel (MI) Author:Goodell, Andrea Area:Michigan Lines:57 Added:06/28/2010

Public to Weigh in on Issue July 13

Holland, MI - Since Michigan voters approved a medical marijuana law two years ago, local municipalities have been trying to figure out how it would affect them.

"At this point, (city officials) don't have any idea how they're going to take care of this," City Attorney Andy Mulder said following a closed session Tuesday afternoon to discuss a written legal opinion on the proposed moratorium. The state law created a certifying process for patients and caregivers in the event a patient can't or doesn't want to grow marijuana, but the law is sometimes vague. Holland officials don't know what the new city ordinance would say or even what it would specifically regulate.

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