Rabun, Ben 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 US OK: EDU: Drugs' New Look Targets First-Time UsersMon, 05 Nov 2007
Source:Daily O'Collegian (OK State U, OK Edu) Author:Rabun, Ben Area:Oklahoma Lines:103 Added:11/06/2007

Methamphetamine manufacturers are transforming meth into fruit-flavored candy to sell a new version of the drug.

However, meth production is still taking a sharp decline and is not the epidemic it once was.

John Stanbery, a Stillwater police detective, said the department has not had to deal with this appearance yet.

"We've heard about meth being created like this, but we just don't know much about it because we haven't come across it lately," he said. "We do know that dealers create it during the manufacturing process to alter the appearance, though."

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2 US OK: Edu: Local Hallucinogenic Plant Has Dangerous Side EffectsWed, 17 Oct 2007
Source:Daily O'Collegian (OK State U, OK Edu) Author:Rabun, Ben Area:Oklahoma Lines:151 Added:10/18/2007

A plant native to Oklahoma has hallucinogenic qualities like LSD but is not listed as an illegal substance.

The plant is called moon bush or gypsum weed but many students call it "moon plant," said Brenna Gilchrist, a florist for the Oasis Garden and Gift Shop.

"The plant grows to about 3 feet and is characterized by its night blooming flowers and porcupine like round pods," she said.

It is not listed as an illegal substance in the state, but users could still go to jail because the drug is a hallucinogenic, said Lt. Mark Shearer, an OSU police officer.

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