Williams, Adam 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 CN BC: Legal Grow-op Causes StinkThu, 06 Jun 2013
Source:Kamloops Daily News (CN BC) Author:Williams, Adam Area:British Columbia Lines:92 Added:06/07/2013

Families Helpless Amid Concerns About Legitimate Operations

A North Shore resident says he has nowhere to turn with concerns about a neighbour's medicinal marijuana grow-op - a federally licensed operation he believes is hurting his grandson.

Darryl Janzen has lived in a duplex on Kenora Road for six years. Soon after moving in, he noticed the smell from his neighbour's legal grow-op was so powerful that it spread through the shared cinderblock wall between their homes.

Janzen has taken his concerns to his landlord multiple times and also contacted RCMP.

[continues 501 words]

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