Aboaf__Jennifer_K_ 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2025
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1 US CO: LTE: Post IrresponsibleTue, 14 Mar 2000
Source:Denver Post (CO) Author:Aboaf, Jennifer K. Area:Colorado Lines:36 Added:03/14/2000

Re: "Hug drug intoxicating Denverites," Feb. 27.

Your front-page article on the drug ecstasy is replete with testimonials, a flowery invitation and photos of reveling dancers - all which suggest an alluring and seductive aspect to the parties and clubs at which it is consumed.

Although the author does report on the drug's risks and dangers, he pays equal or greater attention to describing the loose conduct and deafening music that accompany its use.

The Denver Post has a responsibility to the community to not sensationalize or trivialize sensitive issues like drug abuse. In this case, a less critical reader might interpret the reporter's indiffer ence as a tacit endorsement of these activities. What's next - an expose on keg parties?

I shudder to think of our impressionable teens and young adults being enticed to try this drug based on the photos and language in this article.

Jennifer K. Aboaf, Aurora


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