Trinidad Express _Trinidad_ 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 Trinidad: Roberts' Behaviour 'Reason Not To Support Legalising Marijuana'Tue, 27 May 2014
Source:Trinidad Express (Trinidad) Author:Julien, Joel Area:Trinidad Lines:52 Added:05/30/2014

IF there is any move to legalise marijuana in this country, the recent antics by Sport Minister Anil Roberts is good reason not to support it, Opposition Leader Dr Keith Rowley said yesterday.

Speaking at a news conference at the Office of the Opposition Leader at Charles Street, Port of Spain, Rowley said he was told this by someone yesterday.

Last week TV6 News aired a video in which a man who looks and speaks like a Government minister was captured rolling a marijuana joint.

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2 Trinidad: Dana Advocated For Establishment Of Drug CourtMon, 05 May 2014
Source:Trinidad Express (Trinidad) Author:Ramdass, Anna Area:Trinidad Lines:52 Added:05/06/2014

Former independent senator Dana Seetahal had advocated for a drug court to be established in this country.

Seetahal served as an independent senator from 2002 to 2010. In 2007, she contributed to the debate on a private motion moved by former independent senator Ramesh Deosaran which focused on the then People's National Movement (PNM) Government handling of the crime situation.

She had expressed concern about the drug trade and the increased addiction to cocaine and heroin.

"So you know when I hear this acknowledgement of this and we have all this crime, look at what is happening in the world and so on; yes, yes, but what are we doing here? Why is there no drug court? When I say drug court, I am not talking about a court called, "Drug and firearms court" where you try people charged with drug offences," Seetahal had said.

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3 Trinidad: LTE: Don't Give In To The Ganja CrowdMon, 23 Sep 2013
Source:Trinidad Express (Trinidad) Author:Ali, Rehana Area:Trinidad Lines:46 Added:09/23/2013

I am 16 years of age and I disapprove of the suggestion that marijuana be decriminalised or legalised. Why would anyone even think about doing that? Did you people even think before making that statement? Knowing the people of this nation, you give them an inch and they take a yard.

You think allowing them to have a certain quantity of marijuana would make them ease up on it? No. They would think to themselves, "The Government has made it LEGAL". They're not going to accept that only certain quantities are permitted. Did you people think about the repercussions of legalising it? I don't think so.

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4 Trinidad: PUB LTE: Cannabis A Wrongly Prosecuted PlantThu, 19 Sep 2013
Source:Trinidad Express (Trinidad) Author:Parks, Sarah Area:Trinidad Lines:72 Added:09/20/2013

WHAT most people know about cannabis also known as marijuana is that they were born in a world where the American government leads the way in levelling prosecution of the plant? Most people have no personal experience with marijuana. Most people have no personal eye witness accounts of the effects of cannabis (medicinal or hallucinogenic) from which to draw from to testify of the effects of cannabis on the human body.

Most people don't know that the human body produces cannabinoids, a class of diverse chemical compounds that activate cannabinoid receptors on cells that repress neurotransmitter release in the brain. These receptor proteins include the endocannabinoids (produced naturally in the body by humans and animals), the phytocannabinoids (found in cannabis and some other plants), and synthetic cannabinoids (produced chemically by humans). The most notable cannabinoid is the phytocannabinoid 9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the primary psychoactive compound of cannabis. These receptor proteins have host of positive effects on living tissue. Most people are acutely ignorant to the fact that cannabis is recorded as one of the oldest positive medicinal plants used on the planet. Most people don't know that ironically the United States is among the top six countries in the world leading the way in cannabis research. The other five top countries spearheading cannabis research are Canada, Israel, Czech Republic, United Kingdom and The Netherlands.

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5 Trinidad: PUB LTE: Try Different Tactic In Drug WarThu, 22 Sep 2011
Source:Trinidad Express (Trinidad) Author:Wight, Gregory Area:Trinidad Lines:56 Added:09/22/2011

Those of you who follow the war on drugs would notice that Sir Richard Branson, owner of the Virgin group, and a member of the UN Global Commission on Drug policy has publicly come out in favour of ending the war on drugs by decriminalising the use of illegal substances.

Now some of you would naturally be thinking what Sir Richard has been smoking himself to come out with such a radical stance. Well, if you read his latest article on the matter "End the war on drugs- Crime shouldn't pay", he clearly points that apart from being very expensive the global war has not been very effective.

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6 Trinidad: 'A Brutalised Society Must Be Violent...'Sun, 18 Jan 2009
Source:Trinidad Express (Trinidad) Author:Muller, Nazma Area:Trinidad Lines:201 Added:01/18/2009

Nazma muller talks to Onwubiko Agozino, a professor of sociology and a graduate of Edinburgh University in Scotland, Cambridge University in England and Calabar University in Nigeria. A lecturer in criminology at UWI, he had some very interesting propositions for the Government on how to solve crime.

Q: Professor, how long have you been in Trinidad?

A: I have been here since August 2006.

So you know what's happening on the crime scene. What insights can you give a society that feels it's under siege?

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7 Trinidad: Cops 'In Cahoots' With Drug DealersTue, 01 Apr 2008
Source:Trinidad Express (Trinidad) Author:Renne, Denyse Area:Trinidad Lines:72 Added:04/02/2008

Probe Into Missing Marijuana, Cocaine

Investigators probing the disappearance of 28 blocks of compressed marijuana and four kilogrammes of cocaine from the scene of a crime are now in a quandary, having received information that two police officers were in cahoots with drug dealers.

Investigators initially believed that the disappearance of the drugs came after the drug dealers fled the scene after a shoot-out with police in Maraval. However, new information suggests that the drug dealers were working alongside a rogue senior officer in transporting the drugs to its destination.

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8 Trinidad: Drug Report Nothing NewTue, 01 Apr 2008
Source:Trinidad Express (Trinidad)          Area:Trinidad Lines:54 Added:04/01/2008

Rowley On US Revelations:

Trade and Industry Minister Dr Keith Rowley says a recent United States government report that says the majority of cocaine exported to this country arrives at the nation's sea ports is "nothing new".

"I'm not in a position to speak on this matter as you may have wanted. That is a matter of national security. I am not too familiar with the United States report and its assessment of this ongoing problem," Rowley said.

He added, "Every year we get a report like that. It's never different. There's nothing new there."

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9 Trinidad: Fabien Does His Freedom WalkSun, 02 Mar 2008
Source:Trinidad Express (Trinidad) Author:John, Yolandra Area:Trinidad Lines:64 Added:03/04/2008

Over 200 people walked in support of Errol Fabiens "Freedom Walk for a drug free T&T" at midnight yesterday.

The Sunday Express was on hand as Project Manager Neil Giuseppi thanked and welcomed the walkers, most of whom wore white t-shirts with the name of the march printed on their chest.

Beginning at 12.01 a.m., the 24-hour walk was said to be the first time anyone has ever made that major step and commitment to walk from Icacos to the Audrey Jeffers Highway at MovieTowne on the Western Pennisula for a drug free country.

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10 Trinidad: Ganja Pile-Up At Police StationsMon, 18 Feb 2008
Source:Trinidad Express (Trinidad) Author:Charan, Richard Area:Trinidad Lines:44 Added:02/18/2008

The storage rooms at police stations across the country are stuffed to the roof with marijuana because for the past six years, none have been destroyed, says Opposition Chief Whip Ramesh Lawrence Maharaj.

At the end of each drug case, the narcotics would be ordered to be destroyed in Chaguaramas, an exercise done twice to four times yearly.

The pile up, he said, was causing confusion with the tracking of exhibits, and resulting in cases against drug accused being dismissed.

Police in the Southern and South Western Divisions told the Express that there were problems with the disposal of drug exhibits, and that accurate property room record-keeping was being compromised.

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11 Trinidad: Christmas Today For Bobo ShantisMon, 07 Jan 2008
Source:Trinidad Express (Trinidad) Author:Muller, Nazma Area:Trinidad Lines:47 Added:01/09/2008

Bobo Shanti Rastafarians will celebrate their Christmas today. One of the elders of the religious sect, Priest Nyah, said the 500 members of his commune at Wharf Trace, Maracas, St Joseph, will mark the "birth of the Earth" with fasting and prayers from 6 a.m. to noon, followed by an evening of song and celebration.

The commune, which is part of the Ethiopian Black African International Congress, has been in existence since 1984, and the compound includes a church, living and eating quarters, a school and a conference room.

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12 Trinidad: It Will Get BetterThu, 03 Jan 2008
Source:Trinidad Express (Trinidad) Author:Taitt, Ria Area:Trinidad Lines:66 Added:01/05/2008

Manning's Crime Pledge For 08:

'Measures In Place': Prime Minister Patrick Manning

Prime Minister Patrick Manning is confident that the crime situation, though difficult, will improve in 2008.

And Manning said his Government was moving to "completely eradicate" the drug problem, which was the major source of crime and violence in the country.

Speaking after a tour of the Hyatt Regency Hotel on the Port of Spain Waterfront yesterday, Manning expressed confidence that Government had put the correct measures in place and that, given time, they would bring about the improvements that everyone wishes.

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13 Trinidad: Editorial: A Chance For Police RedemptionThu, 29 Nov 2007
Source:Trinidad Express (Trinidad)          Area:Trinidad Lines:58 Added:11/29/2007

As a former head of the Firearms and Interdiction Unit and with his experience as a detective with the Organised Crime and Narcotics Unit, Supt Chandrabhan Maharaj is better placed than most to be informed about the involvement of fellow officers in both the illegal gun and drug trades, the more so because the two are demonstrably connected.

Accusations of police corruption in general and involvement in both gun and drug rackets in particular are not new but the superintendent's allegations clearly deserve the greatest weight since he is in a position to have extensive insider information that, properly handled, will blow the proverbial whistle on at least some of his crooked comrades.

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14 Trinidad: Dirty Cops Down SouthThu, 22 Nov 2007
Source:Trinidad Express (Trinidad) Author:Charan, Richard Area:Trinidad Lines:72 Added:11/22/2007

Senior Officer Refuses Promotion

An investigation has been launched into claims made by a Police Superintendent that police officers are involved in the drug and guns trade in the Southern Division.

The allegation that rampant corruption exists in the division was made by Supt Chandrabhan Maharaj, in a letter written to Police Commissioner Trevor Paul.

In the letter, Maharaj, who is in charge of the Princes Town Police Station, refused to accept a promotion to the position of Acting Senior Superintendent in charge of the entire Southern Division because of the alleged crooked activities of police officers.

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15 Trinidad: Man Spends Six Months Extra in JailTue, 11 Sep 2007
Source:Trinidad Express (Trinidad) Author:Ali, Imran Area:Trinidad Lines:50 Added:09/16/2007

A San Fernando man who spent six months longer in jail than necessary emerged from custody defiant yesterday, saying he wanted the use of marijuana legalised.

"I looking for freedom to smoke marijuana in peace," 67-year-old Uric Merrick said, adding that he used the drug for meditation.

Merrick, a professed Christian, said he did not understand why the use of the drug was illegal, when it could be used for the "right" purposes.

High Court Judge Gregory Smith ordered his release from prison yesterday-almost one year after Merrick had been sentenced to six months in custody for possession of marijuana.

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16 Trinidad: Attorney Wants Random Drug Tests For All CopsSat, 19 May 2007
Source:Trinidad Express (Trinidad) Author:Bahaw, Darren Area:Trinidad Lines:59 Added:05/19/2007

A SENIOR attorney yesterday called for the introduction of random drug testing for all police officers to be included as part of the new regulations governing the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service.

Israel Khan said members from the Police Commissioner to any constable should subject themselves to periodical tests, as he welcomed the new measures aimed at weeding out unsuitable people from joining the service.

People with chronic gambling problems should also be debarred from joining the Police Service, he said.

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17 Trinidad: OPED: We Have Lost The War On DrugsSun, 18 Mar 2007
Source:Trinidad Express (Trinidad) Author:Elias, Emile Area:Trinidad Lines:91 Added:03/18/2007

We need a new strategy. It should be clear to everybody that the illegal drug trade is flourishing worldwide and is estimated by the United Nations to be worth US$400 billion a year. Enormous wealth is being generated by criminals who are willing to profit from the "risk premium" of dealing in these illicit drugs.

Cocaine is produced in Colombia at a cost of an estimated US$500 per kilo, and retails on the streets of America at US$60,000 per kilo. Marijuana starts life even cheaper than Pangola grass, which is probably why it is called "weed"? In Afghanistan, the USA and its "coalition partners" have spent approximately US$2 billion trying to eradicate the growing of poppy from which heroin is made, and in spite of the presence of massive numbers of foreign troops, the heroin crop was last year estimated to be double the previous year's harvest - because there is a lot of money in it!

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18 Trinidad: Private Charges Filed Against Three OfficialsWed, 13 Sep 2006
Source:Trinidad Express (Trinidad)          Area:Trinidad Lines:73 Added:09/17/2006

New Twist in Guyanese Man's Extradition

PRIVATE criminal charges of kidnapping and unlawfully detaining a Guyanese national have been filed against a locally based American Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agent and two local officials by a representative of jailed Guyanese national Shaheed Roger Khan.

This has been the latest twist in the ongoing legal battle since Khan was handed over to agents of the United States at Piarco International Airport on June 29.

Khan was subsequently indicted in New York with conspiracy to import cocaine into the United States during a five-year period between April 13, 2001 and March 2006.

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19 Trinidad: Drama In Court Over Drug ChargeWed, 13 Sep 2006
Source:Trinidad Express (Trinidad)          Area:Trinidad Lines:59 Added:09/13/2006

THERE was high drama in court yesterday, when three Sea Lots fishermen charged with possession of 0.03 grammes of marijuana reappeared.

The street value of the marijuana is about 15 cents.

The accused men's defence attorney made allegations of beatings and threats by the police complainant upon his clients.

The police prosecutor also refused to give a full description of the drugs to the court because she wanted further instructions from the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP).

All this happened amidst impassioned shouting as the defence and prosecution argued their case and at one point caused the presiding magistrate to silence them both as he said, "Please, I try to maintain a level of decibel noise in my court-room."

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20 Trinidad: Calls on US to Do More in War Against DrugsWed, 06 Sep 2006
Source:Trinidad Express (Trinidad)          Area:Trinidad Lines:64 Added:09/07/2006

PRIME MINISTER Patrick Manning yesterday called on the US government to step up to the plate and do more to arrest drug transshipment through the Caribbean region.

Manning had the ears of US Ambassador to Trinidad and Tobago, Dr Roy Austin, who was one of the many guests at the launching of BG Trinidad and Tobago Luncheon series at the Hilton Trinidad.

"Initially, the US was concerned about drugs, but of course that has inevitably since 9/11 given way to terrorism, preoccupied now... is terrorist activity around the world and how it affects US interests- we find that concern about drugs has gone to the back burner," Manning said.

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