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1 US FL: Hollywood Movie 'Traffic' Jolts Debate On Drug PolicySun, 18 Mar 2001
Source:Miami Herald (FL) Author:Davies, Frank Area:Florida Lines:149 Added:03/18/2001

WASHINGTON -- Traffic, a gritty, R-rated Hollywood movie that suggests the Washington-led war on drugs is a lost cause, is having more impact on the debate about drug policy these days than any public official, including the president.

One reason is that Bush says little about the issue and has not named a drug czar.

But a more important reason may be the movie's popularity. It has earned $99 million in 11 weeks and jolted the often predictable discussion in the nation's capital over what to do about drugs.

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2 US CO: LTE: Yes, Blame The RaveSun, 18 Mar 2001
Source:Denver Rocky Mountain News (CO) Author:Kregar, Robert Area:Colorado Lines:34 Added:03/18/2001

I am writing in response to a letter by Kris Burton ("Use of Ecstasy at parties undeniable, but for one raver, it's all a PLUR," March 4). The point of the letter was "to blame kids dying of Ecstasy use, not the rave."

The acronym PLUR, was used to describe raves: Peace, Love, Unity and Respect. This is far, far from the truth.

You do not attend a rave to find respect. Peace is hard to find when you have music blasting in your ears. And love? No, you lust.

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3 US IL: 'Crack Babies': Black Children Defy Stereotypes, Face BiasSat, 17 Mar 2001
Source:The Chicago Reporter Author:Karp, Sarah Area:Illinois Lines:456 Added:03/18/2001

Britney is a playful little girl. By mid-morning one Thursday in early January, she had put her hot pink sweater and pink, polka-dot pants on inside out and backwards, covered her face with shaving cream and painted a sheet of paper completely blue, titling the picture "daddy."

She's also antsy. Sitting for a lesson is difficult. Her squirminess lands her wrapped in the teacher's lap.

And she's needy. Britney, 4, is quick to hug a stranger several times. She looks her teacher straight in the eye and calls her "Mama."

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4US: Pretty in Prozac Aging Anti-Depressant Gets a MakeoverSun, 18 Mar 2001
Source:San Francisco Chronicle (CA) Author:Magowan, Margot Area:United States Lines:Excerpt Added:03/18/2001

THE PILLS are so pretty, so pink and lavender. Prozac, the controversial bad-boy drug of the '90, had a makeover and a comeback. Now it has a kinder, gentler look and a new name: Serafem.

In case you couldn't tell by the color scheme, Serafem is marketed just for women -- specifically, women in their late 20s and early 30s -- to combat a condition known as Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder, or PMDD. Symptoms are said to include depression, anxiety, anger and sensitivity to rejection. PMDD is called a more severe form of the collective symptoms known as premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

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5 US NY: 2 PUB LTEs: History Lesson / Most Aren't SellingSun, 18 Mar 2001
Source:Watertown Daily Times (NY) Author:Sousie, Loren R. Area:New York Lines:70 Added:03/18/2001

St Lawrence County District Attorney Jerome Richards' letter has prompted responses from a couple of people who have admitted to using some sort of drugs and from an elderly lady who never has.

Perhaps he should find out what the two who used were taking, because their minds were seeing things more clearly than he was.

As to the 74 year old lady, there is no way he can propel himself through time to acquire her wisdom. No doubt she is aware of or remembers the folly of prohibition. If it's illegal we want it. The price goes up because of the risks. Innocent victims galore.

[continues 309 words]

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