Tait, Pauline Dugas 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 US OR: PUB LTE: Regulate Marijuana Like AlcoholWed, 07 Aug 2002
Source:Oregonian, The (OR) Author:Tait, Pauline Dugas Area:Oregon Lines:31 Added:08/07/2002

Damon Stoudamire's arrest and subsequent indictment on drug charges is the perfect example of misspent police time and resources, the perfect context in which to discuss the failed "War on Drugs." Your editorial (Aug. 5) explains in detail this painful dichotomy, of real and imagined criminals.

Our drug laws need reform. Like alcohol, marijuana is just another mood-enhancing substance that should be regulated accordingly, generating legal tender as much-needed revenue and freeing up precious prison space for the true offenders (murderers and rapists) who roam free among us.

[continues 65 words]

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