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121 US NY: PUB LTE: Opioid Use And AbuseSun, 27 Mar 2016
Source:New York Times (NY) Author:Ambash, Lois Area:New York Lines:42 Added:03/28/2016

Patients and Doctors Discuss the Management of Drugs That Can Be Helpful or Harmful.

To the Editor: For many people with chronic pain, opioid painkillers are a lifeline. The new guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, while perhaps reasonable as a first approach, are unrealistic for patients who have done well (sometimes for years) on carefully monitored opioid doses under continuing medical care. As The Times has reported, these longtime patients must now be subjected to humiliating "pain contracts" and random drug tests.

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122 US NY: OPED: Voters Play It Smart On Legalizing PotMon, 28 Mar 2016
Source:New York Post (NY) Author:Lynch, Timothy Area:New York Lines:98 Added:03/28/2016

The Supreme Court has handed the marijuana-legalization movement an important victory.

Two states - Nebraska and Oklahoma - sought to invalidate the landmark Colorado measure known as Amendment 64, which legalized recreational marijuana in that state. But the challenge fell flat when the Court announced last week that it wouldn't hear their case.

That means the Colorado law will remain in effect - and more states can opt to legalize also.

No one can deny the gathering momentum behind the legalization movement. Since 2012, four states have approved referenda that essentially legalize marijuana for recreational purposes:

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123 US NY: Town's Anti-Drug Plan: Safe Site To Use HeroinWed, 23 Mar 2016
Source:New York Times (NY) Author:Foderaro, Lisa W. Area:New York Lines:161 Added:03/23/2016

ITHACA, N.Y. - Even Svante L. Myrick, the mayor of this city, thought the proposal sounded a little crazy, though it was put forth by a committee he had appointed. The plan called for establishing a site where people could legally shoot heroin - something that does not exist anywhere in the United States.

"Heroin is bad, and injecting heroin is bad, so how could supervised heroin injection be a good thing?" Mr. Myrick, a Democrat, said.

But he also knew he had to do something drastic to confront the scourge of heroin in his city in central New York. So he was willing to take a chance and embrace the radical notion, knowing well that it would provoke a backlash.

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124 US NY: PUB LTE: We Need a New Approach to Foolish ' War onTue, 22 Mar 2016
Source:Buffalo News (NY) Author:Austin, Frank Area:New York Lines:37 Added:03/22/2016

Slowly we are coming to realize the foolishness of our national "war on drugs" policy and that there is a more effective way to deal with the issue. Erie County's recent efforts to deal with the heroin issue are significant.

Putting people in jail and demonizing drug usage has only allowed criminals to make billions of dollars and increase violence in our country.

In his book, "Chasing the Scream," Johann Hari laid out some alternatives to our current policies. Switzerland, Canada and Portugal are just a few of the countries trying to establish policies that have not only decreased gun violence but decreased drug addiction.

[continues 67 words]

125US NY: Column: Heroin 'Safe Spaces' A Surrender in War on DrugsMon, 21 Mar 2016
Source:Staten Island Advance (NY) Author:Wrobleski, Tom Area:New York Lines:Excerpt Added:03/21/2016

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. - Sure, let's just hoist the white flag of surrender in the war against heroin addiction.

That's what Assemblywoman Linda Rosenthal (D-Manhattan) would effectively do with her bill to legalize "supervised injection facilities" for people to self-administer illegal narcotics under the supervision of medical staff.

If it's not the dumbest proposal we've heard to battle drug addiction, it has to rank pretty close to the top of the list. And yet we keep hearing it.

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126 US NY: PUB LTE: Legalizing Drugs Would Solve a Lot of ProblemsSun, 20 Mar 2016
Source:Buffalo News (NY) Author:Poe, George D. Area:New York Lines:33 Added:03/21/2016

William F. Buckley said it first and he had it right. To paraphrase Buckley: "Legalize everything, legalize all drugs." As a nation, the United States has thrown billions of dollars down an unquenchable rat hole in an effort to end the flow of drugs streaming in from Mexico, Afghanistan, wherever. The efforts have failed.

Corner drug shops, similar to OTBs, should be erected and staffed so that addicts are able to satisfy their needs easily and at moderate cost. This will keep them out of my face during the day and out of my house at night. It will also relieve users of criminal, furtive behavior, of worrying about making a contact, having enough money for a buy and being arrested. Let's release the thousands doing time for minor drug offenses.

Will it ever happen? Of course not. There's too much money being made and changing hands. But Buckley had it right.

George D. Poe



127 US NY: Editorial: A Strong Response To The Opioid ScourgeThu, 17 Mar 2016
Source:New York Times (NY)          Area:New York Lines:66 Added:03/17/2016

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention this week released well-reasoned guidelines for how doctors should prescribe opioid painkillers. The voluntary standards could make a difference in curbing the alarming increase in prescription drug deaths.

In 2014, overdoses of opioids, like oxycodone and hydrocodone, and related drugs like heroin were responsible for 28,647 deaths, up 14 percent from the year before. About one in 550 people who received opioids for chronic pain not linked to cancer died from an opioid-related overdose a median of 2.6 years after their first prescription. "We know of no other medication routinely used for a nonfatal condition that kills patients so frequently," Dr. Thomas Frieden and Dr. Debra Houry of the C.D.C. wrote in The New England Journal of Medicine on Tuesday.

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128 US NY: PUB LTE: Mayor's Heroin Plan Deserves A ChanceWed, 16 Mar 2016
Source:Ithaca Journal, The (NY) Author:Yonkin, Roger W. Area:New York Lines:26 Added:03/16/2016

I congratulate the mayor on the plan to provide safe refuge for heroin injections.

There may need to be changes to provide safety for all involved. He will and has received many criticisms, but what has worked over the past 100 years? Nothing.

His plan deserves a chance; after all, it can be discontinued if there is an insurmountable problem.



129 US NY: Ithaca Wants to Be First in U.S. With Heroin FacilityMon, 14 Mar 2016
Source:Washington Times (DC) Author:Breitenbach, Sarah Area:New York Lines:98 Added:03/15/2016

ITHACA, N.Y. - A bustling economy. Record-low unemployment. A ballooning heroin problem.

That's how Mayor Svante Myrick describes Ithaca, where he hopes to open the nation's first safe injection facility - a place where heroin users can shoot their illegal drugs under medical supervision and without fear of arrest.

His proposal, part of a plan to address drug abuse in the college town of 31,000 in central New York, is not a novel idea. Safe injection sites, which also connect clients to treatment programs and offer emergency care to reverse overdoses, exist in 27 cities in other parts of the world. Some have been around for decades.

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130 US NY: PUB LTE: What To Do About Heroin AddictionMon, 14 Mar 2016
Source:New York Times (NY) Author:Gevertz, Susan G. Area:New York Lines:38 Added:03/14/2016

To the Editor:

The recent increase in heroin use in Boston and throughout the country should come as no surprise to anyone. Following an increase in the prescribing of opioid painkillers, a number of steps were taken to reduce such prescribing markedly, but with no attention whatever paid to the patients who had become dependent, not even offers of detoxification.

Many, predictably, turned to the much cheaper and widely available alternative of heroin.

The only tangential reference to treatment in your article is the statement that a particular stretch of Massachusetts Avenue is known as Methadone Mile. Would that it were so! Along with all other forms of treatment, methadone maintenance - the gold standard of care - should be readily available to all who want and need help for their dependence, and who with tragic frequency die without it.

The writer is a health care consultant.


131 US NY: PUB LTE: What To Do About Heroin AddictionMon, 14 Mar 2016
Source:New York Times (NY) Author:Josepher, Howard Area:New York Lines:38 Added:03/14/2016

To the Editor:

It's not easy to understand heroin addicts. They eschew replacement drugs like methadone and Suboxone that reduce sickness and cravings so they can shoot up and experience that momentary rush and ephemeral bliss. Many of them know that they are chasing that "first high," that first time that opened the door to heaven and hell.

Shooting up is an extraordinary experience, but as much as they try, addicts will not get that first high again. For these people, life holds little meaning or joy outside of getting high. Their addiction gives them a reason to exist, a focus and its rewards.

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132 US NY: PUB LTE: What To Do About Heroin AddictionMon, 14 Mar 2016
Source:New York Times (NY) Author:Eisenberg, Mark Area:New York Lines:34 Added:03/14/2016

To the Editor:

Re "Use of Heroin in Public View Across the U.S." (front page, March 7):

Until they are ready for treatment and have access to it, people with an addiction to heroin will find a place to inject, whether it's in a fast-food restaurant bathroom, a church basement, a public bus or an abandoned building. Making restrooms inaccessible will only push the problem elsewhere.

Nurse-supervised safe injection sites like Insite in Vancouver, Canada, have been demonstrated to save lives and provide a pathway toward recovery. We need to follow suit.

Brookline, Mass.

The writer is a doctor of internal medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital and on the faculty of Harvard Medical School.


133 US NY: Opioids Take 10 Lives In 10 Days In BuffaloFri, 11 Mar 2016
Source:Buffalo News (NY) Author:Michel, Lou Area:New York Lines:65 Added:03/11/2016

In the first 10 days of March, heroin and other opiates are believed to have claimed as many as 10 lives in Buffalo. But that's only a portion. Since the beginning of the year, city detectives have determined at least 25 individuals died from overdoses.

"We are at epidemic levels and there is no end in sight," Buffalo Police Commissioner Daniel Derenda said Thursday. "Sadly, it is probably going to get much worse before it gets better."

But the epidemic goes beyond Buffalo.

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134 US NY: Grass-Roots Efforts Take Aim At Heroin EpidemicFri, 11 Mar 2016
Source:Buffalo News (NY) Author:Michel, Lou Area:New York Lines:84 Added:03/11/2016

Addicts' Families Form Web of Support

Families of heroin and other opiate addicts started meeting last year in Amherst and the Town of Tonawanda to offer each other support.

Some 500 people last week packed Buffalo's North Park Theatre for a town hall-style meeting on the deadly epidemic.

And as many as 200 people are expected to attend a meeting in a Depew church Wednesday in search of answers.

All of this represents a grassroots response to the epidemic killing hundreds of local residents and a belief that government alone cannot solve the problem.

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135 US NY: Officer in 2012 Killing of a Bronx Teenager FacesFri, 11 Mar 2016
Source:New York Times (NY) Author:Baker, Al Area:New York Lines:61 Added:03/11/2016

After federal prosecutors declined this week to file criminal charges against a white New York City police officer who fatally shot an unarmed black teenager in the Bronx four years ago, the Police Department's long-delayed internal case against him will proceed.

The mother of the teenager, Ramarley Graham, stood at City Hall on Thursday and called on Officer Richard Haste, who shot her son, to be fired along with other officers of the Street Narcotics Enforcement Unit involved in the episode.

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136 US NY: LTE: Steps We Can Take To Prevent Opioid AbuseFri, 04 Mar 2016
Source:New York Times (NY) Author:Botvin, Gilbert J. Area:New York Lines:51 Added:03/04/2016

To the Editor:

Re "Governors Will Create Plan to Curb Opioid Use" (news article, Feb. 22):

The alarming rise in prescription drug abuse, particularly opioid abuse, is attracting increased attention from public officials and dominated discussions at the recent National Governors Association meeting. The epidemic in drug overdose deaths has led to calls for new treatment protocols, limits on prescriptions and expansion of treatment services.

Also needed is a significant expansion of prevention efforts. Over 30 years of rigorous scientific research has identified a growing number of prevention approaches that are effective, produce lasting results and can save taxpayers a good deal of money.

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137 US NY: LTE: Steps We Can Take To Prevent Opioid AbuseFri, 04 Mar 2016
Source:New York Times (NY) Author:Cohen, Milton Area:New York Lines:45 Added:03/04/2016

To the Editor:

Re "Governors Join the War Against Opioids" (editorial, Feb. 25):

Everyone is talking about opioid prescribing best practices: the National Governors Association, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and dozens of national and state public and private organizations. But I haven't heard any talk about the need for improved security in retail dispensing standards.

It has been over 45 years since Washington last took action with the Poison Prevention Packaging Act of 1970, which mandated child-resistant standards for dispensing prescription medication. This is unforgivable.

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138 US NY: PUB LTE: Ease Medical Marijuana LawsWed, 02 Mar 2016
Source:Times Union (Albany, NY) Author:Goodwin, Lawrence Area:New York Lines:51 Added:03/03/2016

The Feb. 23 editorial, "Revisit medical marijuana," should've held Gov. Andrew Cuomo and federal lawmakers more accountable for perpetuating irrational policies toward cannabis plants.

Many advocates who worked so hard to pass the 2014 Compassionate Care Act blame Mr. Cuomo alone for strictly limiting public access to medical cannabis.

The governor means well to prohibit marijuana smoking for medical purposes, which is legal in other states. Lighting any dried plant material on fire and inhaling the smoke risks damage to lung tissue, so recommending it would violate an oath taken by medical professionals to do no harm.

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139 US NY: PUB LTE: Cannabis Sound Medical TherapyWed, 02 Mar 2016
Source:Times Union (Albany, NY) Author:Armentano, Paul Area:New York Lines:54 Added:03/02/2016

New York's medicinal cannabis program was drafted and designed primarily to be politically expedient, not to adequately serve the state's patient population ("Revisit medical marijuana," Feb. 23).

Specifically, the program fails to acknowledge chronic pain or neuropathy as a qualifying condition, despite the reality that there exist numerous U.S. Food and Drug Administration-approved clinical trials finding the plant to be safe and efficacious as an analgesic agent. A review published earlier this year in the Canadian Journal of Anesthesia assessing the clinical use of cannabinoids for pain in more than 1,300 subjects concludes, "The recent literature indicates that currently available cannabinoids are modestly effective analgesics that provide a safe, reasonable therapeutic option for managing chronic non-cancer-related pain."

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140 US NY: Health Dept., Police Partner For Classes On NarcanTue, 01 Mar 2016
Source:Buffalo News (NY) Author:Michel, Lou Area:New York Lines:99 Added:03/02/2016

Program's Expansion Targets Opioid Overdoses

Over the weekend, three people died in Buffalo from opiate overdoses.

On Monday, a woman barely survived an overdose.

With the death toll increasing by the day, Buffalo Police on Monday announced that they are co-sponsoring with the Erie County Health Department more free classes throughout the city to train citizens in how to use Narcan, the opiate antidote.

"We are concerned about the health and safety of city residents," Deputy Police Commissioner Kimberly L. Beaty said. "Opioids do not discriminate. That is why we are making this extra effort with the classes."

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