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181CN QU: Kicking The HabitSat, 24 Jan 2015
Source:Montreal Gazette (CN QU) Author:Beeston, Laura Area:Quebec Lines:Excerpt Added:01/26/2015

Opinions Differ on Which Treatment Approach Is Most Effective for Cocaine Users

In Montreal, it's relatively easy to find cocaine and get high.

Even though the next day comes with a requisite crash of the neurochemical dopamine, one partygoer might sleep it off and continue to use casually, or not at all. Another might keep using, attempting to regulate short-term feelings and find that euphoria, eventually becoming addicted.

As pervasive as the use of this drug may be, Sante Montreal says it has no specific information how many cocaine addicts there are in this city. Health Canada statistics from 2011 indicate that 9.4 per cent of Canadians had used illicit drugs over the last year, with 0.9 per cent using cocaine or crack.

[continues 1855 words]

182CN QU: Risk Of Suicide Rises With Cocaine Use, Study FindsSat, 27 Dec 2014
Source:Montreal Gazette (CN QU) Author:Magder, Jason Area:Quebec Lines:Excerpt Added:12/28/2014

Drug Causes Mood Swings, Impulsive Behaviour, Montreal Research Shows

Users of cocaine and amphetamines are twice as likely to attempt suicide than other people who inject drugs, a new study from the Universite de Montreal has found.

The study, published in the Nov. 26 issue of the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence, followed the users of injectable drugs over a seven-year period. The users answered questionnaires twice a year. The study found that users of cocaine and amphetamines were roughly twice as likely to attempt suicide than users of opiates, sedative-hypnotics, cannabis and alcohol.

[continues 411 words]

183CN QU: Facebook Posts From Inside A PrisonSat, 29 Nov 2014
Source:Montreal Gazette (CN QU) Author:Cherry, Paul Area:Quebec Lines:Excerpt Added:11/30/2014

'Sunny Profit' Brags About Drug Use And Trafficking From Behind Bars

Warning - This story contains language that could be offensive to some people.

His real name is Michael Mines, a 30- year-old convicted drug dealer from Pointe- Saint- Charles.

On Facebook, he uses the pseudonym Sunny Profit. There, for months in the comfort of social media cyberspace, he has apparently posted several updates about his frequent drug use inside the Cowansville Institution and later the Donnacona Institution, a maximum-security penitentiary near Quebec City.

[continues 1099 words]

184CN QU: Editorial: Cannabis Clinic Fills A NeedWed, 12 Nov 2014
Source:Montreal Gazette (CN QU)          Area:Quebec Lines:Excerpt Added:11/13/2014

The opening of Montreal's first medical marijuana clinic staffed by doctors is a long overdue occurrence.

The therapeutic benefits of cannabis have long been extolled by certain patients and practitioners, claims researchers are just starting to explore. Thanks to a court decision, Canadians who meet certain criteria have been able to obtain marijuana legally since 2001. And since April of 2014, Health Canada has been licensing pot producers, issuing permits to patients and allowing doctors to prescribe marijuana.

But proper oversight of patients who rely on pot to treat pain or lessen symptoms is sorely lacking. About 12,000 Canadians have registered with Health Canada's medical marijuana program and receive their prescriptions from 22 registered producers through the mail. Often the dosage is determined in consultation with the licensed grower rather than a physician. Only 800 doctors have exercised the new prescription powers, suggesting a reticence in the medical community that is understandable given the questions that remain unanswered. At the same time, there are patients who have been self-medicating with illegally obtained marijuana who would be better off with a proper prescription and supervision.

[continues 381 words]

185CN QU: Montreal Pot Clinic Opens To PatientsTue, 11 Nov 2014
Source:Montreal Gazette (CN QU) Author:Fidelman, Charlie Area:Quebec Lines:Excerpt Added:11/13/2014

Montreal family physician Michael Dworkind first saw enormous benefits of marijuana in patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection and acquired immune deficiency syndrome. They were suffering from nausea, weight loss, inflammation, moodiness, insomnia and a host of aches.

"I could see the devastation," recalled Dworkind, who specializes in palliative care at the Jewish General Hospital, yet some suddenly got their appetite back and improved their overall health.

"'Well, doctor,' they said, 'I had a toke,' " Dworkind said. Turns out that what worked with HIV/AIDs also improved the lives of seriously ill cancer patients.

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186CN QU: Minister Urges Caution On PotWed, 12 Nov 2014
Source:Montreal Gazette (CN QU) Author:Fidelman, Charlie Area:Quebec Lines:Excerpt Added:11/13/2014

Opening First Medical Marijuana Clinic Was Premature, Barrette Says

Rules imposed by Ottawa last spring put physicians in a rough position of operating in the dark when it comes to prescribing marijuana, Quebec Health Minister Gaetan Barrette said after Montreal's first medical marijuana clinic opened its doors to patients Tuesday.

There could be accidents, Barrette told reporters, since marijuana did not go though the usual drug approval process: "We're experimenting. What is happening today is total experimentation."

Doctors are unsure of dosages, Barrette said, but stopped short of demanding the Sante Cannabis clinic be shuttered.

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187CN QU: Symposium To Study Use Of Medical MarijuanaFri, 07 Nov 2014
Source:Montreal Gazette (CN QU) Author:Fidelman, Charlie Area:Quebec Lines:Excerpt Added:11/08/2014

As of April, Health Canada gave doctors the go-ahead to prescribe medical marijuana, but to which patient and at what dose?

It was put in the hands of physicians who did not know what to prescribe "for lack of hard evidence," says Denis deBlois, Universite de Montreal professor of pharmacy and co-director of a research group on medication.

Marijuana for therapeutic reasons remains controversial. Few clinical trials have evaluated its effects. Which conditions does it help?

There's a strict process of evaluation of risk-to-benefit ratio before Health Canada gives its stamp of approval to a medication, but that's not the case for marijuana, said deBlois, a co-organizer of a one-day symposium on medical marijuana that takes place Friday and brings together experts in pain management, addiction, and drug monitoring.

[continues 402 words]

188 CN QU: Edu: A Psychedelic RenaissanceTue, 28 Oct 2014
Source:Link, The (CN QU Edu) Author:Nieto, Gonzo Area:Quebec Lines:117 Added:11/01/2014

New Research on Psychedelics Is Unveiling Their Potential for Healing

As university students, we know how prevalent substance use is.

It's practically impossible to go through your degree (or your day) without being exposed to the use of coffee, energy drinks, alcohol, cigarettes, pot, Ritalin or other drugs for a variety of reasons ranging from partying to relaxing to studying.

In our daily lives, the social acceptability of particular drugs is based heavily on stigma and the law, rather than on a sober evaluation of their effects and harms.

[continues 738 words]

189CN QU: Marijuana Research On Teenagers Leads To FilmFri, 24 Oct 2014
Source:Montreal Gazette (CN QU) Author:Fidelman, Charlie Area:Quebec Lines:Excerpt Added:10/25/2014

As part of a health research project, nursing professor-turned filmmaker Barbara Moffat was interviewing teens who smoked cigarettes. But they were more interested in talking about pot.

"They said, 'Why don't you ask us about marijuana? It's much easier to get,'" Moffat recalled Thursday from her Vancouver office at the University of British Columbia.

Bolstered by a five-year federal government grant to study youth and cannabis in three major areas, Vancouver, Vancouver Island, and the Kootenay region of B.C., Moffat's team turned their research results into a film. Cycles will be making its Quebec debut (with French subtitles) at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts Friday.

[continues 416 words]

190CN QU: Clean Drug Sites Coming To MontrealThu, 11 Sep 2014
Source:Montreal Gazette (CN QU) Author:Bruemmer, Rene Area:Quebec Lines:Excerpt Added:09/15/2014

The city of Montreal will see supervised drug injection sites on its territory in the near future, Mayor Denis Coderre announced Wednesday.

"Following the (2011) ruling of the Supreme Court of Canada where it was clearly stated ... that these sites are important for public health and security, it is clear this affects many people ..." Coderre said. "There will be three supervised sites because if we want to reach these people and help them, these sites are important, be they permanent or mobile."

[continues 239 words]

191 CN QU: Top Grit Got Rich Off PotThu, 04 Sep 2014
Source:Ottawa Sun (CN ON) Author:Cloutier, Jean-Francois Area:Quebec Lines:68 Added:09/07/2014

MONTREAL - Liberal Party of Canada CFO Chuck Rifici has become a multimillionaire in just a few months thanks to his stock-traded medical marijuana company, QMI Agency has learned.

Documents show Rifici's initial investment in Tweed Marijuana Inc. has so far sprouted into an $18-million bumper crop.

Rifici co-founded Tweed and served as its CEO until he resigned on Aug. 27. He remains on the company's board.

According to financial statements, Rifici's fortune exploded after Tweed's initial public offering in April 2014, when it became one of the first to sell legal marijuana under a new Health Canada licensing system.

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192CN QU: U.S. Jail Cell Awaits The 'King Of Pot'Sat, 16 Aug 2014
Source:Montreal Gazette (CN QU) Author:Cherry, Paul Area:Quebec Lines:Excerpt Added:08/20/2014

Paul Cherry looks at two sides of Jimmy Cournoyer, the man they call the King of Pot. There are two sides to Jimmy Cournoyer.

On one hand is the man described as a considerate person who spared no expense in 2009 when a man, celebrating Cournoyer's 30th birthday with a group of friends on the island of Ibiza, suffered an accident that left him paralyzed for life.

Cournoyer spent "tens of thousands" to make sure his friend, a fellow Laval resident who had no travel insurance, was well treated in a hospital for a week and then flown back to Canada by air ambulance.

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193CN QU: OPED: We Need More Routine Testing For Hepatitis CMon, 28 Jul 2014
Source:Montreal Gazette (CN QU) Author:Morin, Marie-Eve Area:Quebec Lines:Excerpt Added:07/29/2014

On this 28th day of July, marking 25 years since the discovery of the hepatitis C virus, we are calling attention to World Hepatitis Day. Why? To begin with, because more than 50,000 Quebecers have the disease. In Canada, the figure is 300,000 to 350,000 people, more than a quarter of whom do not know they have it.

Next, because there are new, highly effective treatments for treating and eradicating hepatitis C, with cure rates exceeding 90 per cent. However, in Canada, fewer than 5 per cent of people with hepatitis C have, to date, obtained treatment for it. Hepatitis C is transmitted through the blood. In other words, any act that can cause the blood of two individuals to come into contact can constitute a risk of transmission: parlour-based tattooing and piercing; sharing drug-use equipment and personal-hygiene items; transfusion prior to 1992; and sometimes even certain risky sexual practices.

[continues 314 words]

194CN QU: Railways, Unions Dispute Worker Drug UseMon, 28 Jul 2014
Source:Montreal Gazette (CN QU) Author:Riga, Andy Area:Quebec Lines:Excerpt Added:07/29/2014

Arbitration Rulings Show It's Considered a 'Disability'

MONTREAL - A war of words has broken out over a fired cocaine-using locomotive engineer.

Canadian Pacific chief executive Hunter Harrison lashed out when CP was ordered this month to reinstate the engineer even though an arbitrator confirmed the employee had "consumed cocaine at a time and of a quantity which could impact his work performance."

Harrison said: "On my watch, this individual will not operate a locomotive."

The engineer's union - Teamsters Canada Rail Conference - called Harrison's comments an "unjustified and unprecedented" personal attack, arguing the worker deserved a second chance.

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195CN QU: Quebec Works To Halt Torrent Of OverdosesSat, 05 Jul 2014
Source:National Post (Canada) Author:Hamilton, Graeme Area:Quebec Lines:Excerpt Added:07/07/2014

MONTREAL * With fatal overdoses in Montreal up sevenfold over the past two months, Quebec public-health authorities are scrambling to stem what they say is an unprecedented tide of drug-induced death.

The director of public health for Montreal published new statistics this week showing that 13 people died of opiate overdoses in May and another five in June. Normally the city sees an average of 1.3 overdose deaths a month.

The sharp increase, believed to be tied to a more potent drug supply on the city's streets, has prompted the provincial government to approve accelerated training so paramedics will be equipped to administer the drug naloxone, which restores normal breathing in overdose victims who have suffered respiratory failure.

[continues 401 words]

196CN QU: 'King of Pot' Wins St-Pierre's BackingThu, 26 Jun 2014
Source:Montreal Gazette (CN QU) Author:Cherry, Paul Area:Quebec Lines:Excerpt Added:06/28/2014

Former UFC Champ Writes Letter

Cournoyer, Awaiting Sentencing for Drug Trafficking, Is a 'Really Good Friend'

A Quebec man who is awaiting his sentence in a case in the U.S., where he pleaded guilty to trafficking in massive amounts of marijuana, has support from a pretty heavy hitter.

Jimmy Cournoyer, 34, who has been dubbed The King of Pot by some in the media who have covered his federal case in New York, recently filed his position on his upcoming sentence and it includes a letter of support from Ultimate Fighting Championship superstar Georges St-Pierre.

[continues 779 words]

197 CN QU: Quebec Hospital Allows Marijuana Use In RoomsSat, 21 Jun 2014
Source:Sun Times, The (Owen Sound, CN ON) Author:Daly, Brian Area:Quebec Lines:50 Added:06/26/2014

MONTREAL - The main hospital in Quebec's Eastern Townships has put governments on the spot with its policy on pot.

Doctors, dentists and pharmacists at CHUS hospital this week unanimously approved marijuana use by patients who are federally licensed to own the drug.

The patients will have to use vapour machines and bring their own pot into the hospital.

Administration is expected to decide soon if it will formally approve the doctors' recommendation.

The Canadian Medical Association wouldn't comment on the case Friday, but the CHUS doctors appear to be out of step with the CMA on the issue.

[continues 140 words]

198 CN QU: Quebec Hospital Allows Pot Use In RoomsSat, 21 Jun 2014
Source:Chatham Daily News, The (CN ON) Author:Daly, Brian Area:Quebec Lines:51 Added:06/26/2014

MONTREAL - The main hospital in Quebec's Eastern Townships has put governments on the spot with its policy on pot.

Doctors, dentists and pharmacists at CHUS hospital this week unanimously approved marijuana use by patients who are federally licensed to own the drug.

The patients will have to use vapour machines and bring their own pot into the hospital.

Administration is expected to decide soon if it will formally approve the doctors' recommendation.

The Canadian Medical Association wouldn't comment on the case Friday, but the CHUS doctors appear to be out of step with the CMA on the issue.

[continues 140 words]

199 CN QU: Quebec Hospital Allows Pot Use In RoomsSat, 21 Jun 2014
Source:Tribune, The (CN ON) Author:Daly, Brian Area:Quebec Lines:49 Added:06/23/2014

MONTREAL - The main hospital in Quebec's eastern townships has put governments on the spot with its policy on pot.

Doctors, dentists and pharmacists at CHUS hospital this week unanimously approved marijuana use by patients who are federally licensed to own the drug.

The patients will have to use vapour machines and bring their own pot into the hospital.

Administration is expected to decide soon if it will formally approve the doctors' recommendation.

The Canadian Medical association wouldn't comment on the case Friday, but the CHUS doctors appear to be out of step with the CMA on the issue.

[continues 141 words]

200 CN QU: Quebec Hospital Allows Pot Use In RoomsSat, 21 Jun 2014
Source:Intelligencer, The (CN ON) Author:Daly, Brian Area:Quebec Lines:49 Added:06/23/2014

MONTREAL - The main hospital in Quebec's Eastern Townships has put governments on the spot with its policy on pot.

Doctors, dentists and pharmacists at CHUS hospital this week unanimously approved marijuana use by patients who are federally licensed to own the drug.

The patients will have to use vapour machines and bring their own pot into the hospital.

Administration is expected to decide soon if it will formally approve the doctors' recommendation.

The Canadian Medical Association wouldn't comment on the case Friday, but the CHUS doctors appear to be out of step with the CMA on the issue.

[continues 141 words]

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