Garro, Julia 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 CN ON: Canabian DayThu, 19 Aug 2004
Source:Xtra! (CN ON) Author:Garro, Julia Area:Ontario Lines:93 Added:08/22/2004

Do Feds Make It Too Difficult to Access Medical Marijuana?

Pot proponents will be taking their message to Queen's Park on Sat, Aug 21 in an effort to prove that there's public support for legalized marijuana.

"We want to get the message out to people and encourage them to become activists, to become active in any way and to overthrow the prohibition that has lasted too long," says co-organizer Marko Ivancicevic, a cofounder of Cannabis In Canada.

[continues 530 words]

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