Suddes, Thomas 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 US OH: OPED: Ohio Tries To Figure Out What To Do About PotSun, 01 May 2016
Source:Dayton Daily News (OH) Author:Suddes, Thomas Area:Ohio Lines:81 Added:05/01/2016

More than a token, but something short of tokin': That's the Ohio General Assembly's task in trying to craft a bill legalizing Ohioans' use of medical marijuana.

The science may or may not be there, at least not entirely. But what looks like a public consensus seems to be. And that consensus is that marijuana's chemical components can help Ohioans fighting certain illnesses or enduring, say, chemotherapy.

Pending in a House committee is House Bill 523, a bipartisan medical marijuana plan sponsored by Reps. Stephen Huffman of Tipp City and Kirk Schuring of Canton, both Republicans, and Dan Ramos, a Lorain Democrat. Huffman's a physician. He earned his medical degree at the Medical College of Ohio (now the University of Toledo's College of Medicine and Life Sciences). Among those praising the House for taking up the medical marijuana issue: Sen. Kenny Yuko, a Richmond Heights Democrat, a longtime proponent of medical marijuana.

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2 US OH: Column: Marijuana Legalization Issue Will LikelySun, 08 Nov 2015
Source:Dayton Daily News (OH) Author:Suddes, Thomas Area:Ohio Lines:85 Added:11/08/2015

Issue 3 - the proposed Ohio marijuana monopoly - suffered a jaw-dropping loss Tuesday. But that doesn't mean another Issue 3-like ballot issue won't surface again, maybe as soon as next year.

That's despite such startling facts as the rejection of Issue 3 in all 88 counties, even party-hearty Athens. Likewise, the Western Reserve's liberal citadel, Oberlin, voted against Issue 3. For that matter, Issue 3 failed to carry one of the four precincts in tie-dyed Yellow Springs.

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3 US OH: Column: Understanding Both Parts of the Marijuana IssueSun, 14 Jun 2015
Source:Dayton Daily News (OH) Author:Suddes, Thomas Area:Ohio Lines:86 Added:06/14/2015

The argument over legalizing marijuana in Ohio has two parts. One is over legalization itself. The other argument, if Ohio legalizes, is how to regulate growing and selling.

The General Assembly almost certainly won't legalize marijuana, maybe not even for medical use. So the likeliest way to legalize marijuana, if voters want to, is through a statewide ballot issue proposed by petition. One such ballot issue, backed by an outfit named ResponsibleOhio, appears likely to reach November's ballot.

The amendment would limit (legal) marijuana production to 10 Ohio sites listed in the ballot issue. One site each would be in Greater Cleveland's Hudson and Lorain; in Stark County's Alliance; in Franklin County's Jackson Township and Licking County's Pataskala; in the Miami Valley's Moraine and Middletown; in Toledo; and in suburban Cincinnati's Anderson and Union townships.

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4 US OH: Column: Ohio Could Be Hitting The Ballot BoxSun, 29 Sep 2013
Source:Columbus Dispatch (OH) Author:Suddes, Thomas Area:Ohio Lines:92 Added:09/29/2013

29 Sep 2013 The Columbus Dispatch

Ohio could be hitting the ballot box, California-style

Ohioans next year could confront a full crop of statewide ballot issues, ranging from medical marijuana to unionbusting. The Election Day mechanisms are called the "initiative" and "referendum" -$5 words for the power of voters:

To propose ("initiate") an Ohio constitutional amendment by voter petition, and submit such amendments directly to all voters for approval or rejection.

To propose ("initiate") an Ohio law by voter petition to the General Assembly, then, if legislators don't pass it, to ask all voters to pass it.

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