North Island Gazette _CN BC_ 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 CN BC: Port Hardy's Marijuana Committee Gets To WorkWed, 30 Aug 2017
Source:North Island Gazette (CN BC) Author:Petersen, Hanna Area:British Columbia Lines:107 Added:08/31/2017

The future of marijuana in Port Hardy was examined at the first marijuana advisory planning committee meeting.

Nine community members participated in the meeting, including chair and Port Hardy Coun. Leightan Wishart, RCMP Staff Sgt. Wes Olsen, and Elizabeth Aman-Hume Director of Port Hardy Chamber of Commerce, in the district council chambers on Aug. 23.

"I am very much interested in this on a business level," said Serena Neumerschitsky, a new Port Hardy resident who volunteered to be Deputy Chair of the committee.

[continues 674 words]

2 CN BC: PUB LTE: The Liberal Government Of 1923 Manufactured A SocialWed, 30 Aug 2017
Source:North Island Gazette (CN BC) Author:Phillips, Wayne Area:British Columbia Lines:38 Added:08/31/2017

Dear Editor,

Re: Tyson's Thoughts: Legalize it already, Aug 24th

Tyson asks, "First outlawed in Canada in 1923, 14 years before the US ever made the drug illegal, the history books seemingly don't have any recorded parliamentary debate regarding why it was even made illegal in the first place. Bizarre. There were also no recorded police seizures of marijuana in Canada until 1932. Even more bizarre. Which begs the question, why was it made illegal in the first place before it was ever deemed a "social problem"?"

[continues 107 words]

3 CN BC: Column: Legalize It AlreadyThu, 24 Aug 2017
Source:North Island Gazette (CN BC) Author:Whitney, Tyson Area:British Columbia Lines:86 Added:08/29/2017

The revenue from legal marijuana sales will be used to address public health and addictions issues.

I'm talking about marijuana in case anyone is confused by that brash opening statement.

With the federal government looking at doing just that by 2018, I'm going to go on the record and say I personally am all for it because of the economic activity involved in the decision.

Legalization could add as much as five billion dollars a year in tax revenues to the federal and provincial governments.

[continues 396 words]

4 CN BC: Editorial: Legal WeedTue, 18 Apr 2017
Source:North Island Gazette (CN BC) Author:Harding, John Area:British Columbia Lines:90 Added:04/22/2017

When the smoke clears we will all have a better understanding about the details of the federal government's new marijuana laws.

Right now, we know this about the proposed legislation, tabled in the House of Commons last week by the Liberal government:

* Adults 18 and older will be allowed to possess up to 30 grams of dried cannabis in public, share up to 30 grams with other adults, and buy cannabis or cannabis oil from a provincially regulated retailer.

* Selling cannabis to a minor will become a specific offence, for the first time in the history of the Criminal Code.

[continues 532 words]

5 CN BC: PUB LTE: Recreational Users Denied Equal Protection UnderWed, 23 Mar 2016
Source:North Island Gazette (CN BC) Author:Dee, Michael J. Area:British Columbia Lines:50 Added:03/26/2016

Tom Fletcher wrote, "The Federal Court decreed last week that people have the right to grow their own 'medical' marijuana."

If he read the decision he would have said the right of liberty gave persons protection to grow medical marijuana against unreasonable police power, discriminating against recreational users.

Every person arrested has been deprived of their liberty and has the right as a defence to claim the marijuana laws are unreasonable and arbitrary.

Criminalizing marijuana cannot be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society. Possessing marijuana is not a threat to the rights of others, public safety.

[continues 138 words]

6 CN BC: PUB LTE: Fletcher Misses TargetWed, 23 Mar 2016
Source:North Island Gazette (CN BC) Author:White, Stan Area:British Columbia Lines:28 Added:03/24/2016

Tom Fletcher missed the bull's eye regarding cannabis ( marijuana ) implying ( Bowing to the power of judges, March 1, 2016 ), it's an "inconsistent" herbal remedy that hasn't been studied much because it's been illegal.

Government subsidized prohibitionists in North America have hindered research progress. However, the plant has been documented medically for over 5,000 years without a single death.

That's safety and consistency on a Biblical scale.


Stan White Dillon, Colorado


7 CN BC: Column: Bowing To The Power Of JudgesWed, 02 Mar 2016
Source:North Island Gazette (CN BC) Author:Fletcher, Tom Area:British Columbia Lines:88 Added:03/03/2016

One of the enduring legacies of Pierre Trudeau's time as prime minister is the legal supremacy of the individual, as articulated in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

We are seeing this played out with greater force than ever today, by an activist high court that swatted aside Stephen Harper's attempts to restrain it, and now orders a meek, politically correct Justin Trudeau government to do its bidding.

The Federal Court decreed last week that people have the right to grow their own "medical" marijuana. This ruling is unlikely to be appealed, given that Trudeau the Younger is committed to legalizing marijuana for everyone.

[continues 501 words]

8 CN BC: Column: This Is Your Province On WeedWed, 27 Jan 2016
Source:North Island Gazette (CN BC) Author:Fletcher, Tom Area:British Columbia Lines:89 Added:01/29/2016

With unlicensed marijuana dispensaries popping up in urban areas and thousands of unregulated medical licences for home growing still in legal limbo, the Trudeau government is starting work on its promise to legalize recreational use.

Marijuana was a media darling in the recent election, but meeting in Vancouver with provincial ministers last week, federal Health Minister Jane Philpott found herself preoccupied with issues deemed more urgent.

These include shifting our post-war acute hospital model to community primary care, tackling aboriginal health care needs, pooling pharmaceutical purchases to slow rising costs, and meeting an urgent Supreme Court of Canada directive to legalize assisted dying.

[continues 518 words]

9 CN BC: PUB LTE: Illegal Drugs Spark ViolenceThu, 15 Jul 2010
Source:North Island Gazette (CN BC) Author:Phillips, Wayne Area:British Columbia Lines:48 Added:07/16/2010

Dear editor,

Regarding the letter, Legal pot tough to get, Andrew Brown is right, the process involved in getting a Health Canada exemption for medicinal marijuana is virtually impossible.

Compound that with the Conservatives Bill S-10 and those with an medicinal exemption (to grow) will be easy target for violent grow-rip.

RCMP are, in fact, even pushing to get lists of exemptees with permission to grow; citing safety concerns regarding grow-ops.

Considering how the mechanics of drug prohibition actually work, including the notion of the fear of apprehension, one is hard-pressed to find any reason to continue the criminalization of cannabis.

[continues 102 words]

10 CN BC: PUB LTE: Legal Pot Tough To GetThu, 01 Jul 2010
Source:North Island Gazette (CN BC) Author:Brown, Andrew Area:British Columbia Lines:56 Added:07/03/2010

Dear editor,

This letter is about a story in the Gazette on June 24, Absolute discharge for medical marijuana user.

This demonstrates the problem with the system - the judges don't even get it. A letter is not what it takes for legal cannabis.

The letter can get patients cannabis through compassion clubs, which are essentially operating illegally, but very much needed.

However, they will do nothing when the police are kicking down your door.

To get legal, one must go through an application process and wait months (sometimes in excess of six) for Health Canada to send you your official documents.

[continues 156 words]

11 CN BC: Absolute Discharge For Medical Marijuana UserThu, 24 Jun 2010
Source:North Island Gazette (CN BC) Author:Winfield, Bruce Area:British Columbia Lines:31 Added:06/24/2010

PORT HARDY - After admitting he used marijuana for arthritis pain, 46-year-old Darrin Frank Kulyk received an absolute discharge, June 8 in court.

Police found a few grams of marijuana in Kulyk's vehicle during a routine traffic stop on Feb. 4, said federal Crown counsel Paul Grier, who asked that Kulyk be sentenced to probation and community work.

Defence lawyer Dan Nowosad told court Kulyk has no record, uses marijuana for arthritis pain and deserves an absolute discharge.

"He has now gone to the doctor in Port McNeill and asked for legalized marijuana," said Nowosad.

Judge Brian Saunderson approved the absolute discharge, which left Kulyk without a criminal record. "Too bad you didn't see the doctor earlier," said the judge. "They can provide people with a letter saying it is appropriate."


12 CN BC: Massive Cocaine Cargo SeizedThu, 18 Mar 2010
Source:North Island Gazette (CN BC) Author:Bird, Teresa Area:British Columbia Lines:67 Added:03/19/2010

PORT HARDY - Police revealed Monday that the sailboat detained in Port Hardy last week was carrying 1,001 kg of cocaine.

In a press conference in Vancouver Mar. 15, police said two men, 39-year-old [name redacted] of Victoria and 38-year-old [name redacted} of Mexico have been charged with possession for the purpose of trafficking in one of the largest drug busts in B.C. history.

The 40-foot sailboat arrived in Port Hardy from Panama Mar. 6, and was greeted by Port Hardy RCMP and the North Island Emergency Response Team and Police Dog Service, said RCMP. The RCMP Federal Drug Enforcement Branch arrived later to take over the investigation.

[continues 254 words]

13 CN BC: PUB LTE: Drug Letter RightThu, 21 Jan 2010
Source:North Island Gazette (CN BC) Author:Codere, Bruce Area:British Columbia Lines:30 Added:01/24/2010

Dear editor,

Letter writer Russell Barth (Drug tests unfair, Dec 01) is right on all points.

If Members of Parliament, the judiciary or the police had to submit to random drug tests, every drug under the sun would be legal the next day.

The hypocrisy of our drug laws cannot be overstated.

"If you are afraid to speak against tyranny, then you are already a slave." - John Bryant

Bruce Codere

Fox Creek


14 CN BC: Drug House Seized In Port HardyThu, 07 Jan 2010
Source:North Island Gazette (CN BC) Author:Bird, Teresa Area:British Columbia Lines:59 Added:01/08/2010

PORT HARDY - A local drug house has been seized by the provincial government.

The property, located on Nawhitti Avenue, has been the scene of complaints since August 2005 said RCMP in a press release.

Owner and resident of the house, [name redacted], 44 was previously charged with possession of a controlled substance. The charges resulted when police executed a search warrant and seized small quantities of cocaine, ecstasy, marijuana, magic mushrooms, drug paraphenalia as well as a rifle and ammunition, said RCMP. As well $25,700 was seized.

[continues 262 words]

15 CN CB: PUB LTE: Law Unfair for Legal UsersThu, 17 Dec 2009
Source:North Island Gazette (CN BC) Author:Barth, Russell        Lines:72 Added:12/16/2009

Dear editor,

Regarding the letter, Pot impairs driver ability by Gaby Wickstrom:

Gaby Wickstrom misconstrued what I wrote. Marijuana can impair some drivers, especially someone who is inexperienced with marijuana, and that's why young people should be careful in this regard.

Recent studies show daily users experience less "impairment" than casual users. Studies also show pot users drive slower and more cautiously than non-users.

Canadians smoke more pot per capita than any other country and we smoke the most potent pot in the world. Our population has increased, the roads are more crowded, but the accident rate continues to decline. This suggests pot use actually makes roads safer.

[continues 321 words]

16 CN BC: PUB LTE: Drug Tests UncertainThu, 17 Dec 2009
Source:North Island Gazette (CN BC) Author:Erbacher, Travis Area:British Columbia Lines:43 Added:12/16/2009

Dear editor,

I believe, Drug Recognition Experts cannot accurately detect whether someone is impaired. Neither can the unconstitutional body fluid tests this authoritarian government has brought in.

There are tests to determine whether drugs are in a drivers system, but they often give false positives. In the case of cannabis, they only detect whether a driver has used in the past month.

The only accurate way to determine whether someone is impaired is to administer the traditional field-sobriety test and I believe the Conservative federal government knows this.

[continues 98 words]

17 CN BC: LTE: Pot Impairs Driver AbilityThu, 10 Dec 2009
Source:North Island Gazette (CN BC) Author:Wickstrom, Gaby Area:British Columbia Lines:41 Added:12/10/2009

Dear editor,

I am writing in response to Russel Barth's letter in the Dec. 3 Gazette.

Mr. Barth claims the new drugged driving bills are an attempt to profile marijuana users. The next line says that marijuana use poses no threat to road safety. Really?

If someone is stoned and driving their vehicle, is he saying they are not impaired? That's the biggest load of bull I have read in a long while.

I am certain this law is to catch those who are driving while under the influence of marijuana, not those who got stoned last week. The idea that this law is going to be used to profile marijuana users is paranoid and delusional.

Perhaps a side effect of marijuana use?

Gaby Wickstrom


Driving School

Port McNeil


18 CN BC: PUB LTE: Drug Tests UnfairThu, 03 Dec 2009
Source:North Island Gazette (CN BC) Author:Barth, Russell Area:British Columbia Lines:40 Added:12/03/2009

Dear editor,

New "drugged" driving bills are an attempt to profile marijuana users.

Even though marijuana is no threat to road safety, police see it as a potential cash grab.

They will profile young, poor, people of color and people with funny haircuts.

Trace amounts of marijuana remain in the body for months - even from second hand pot smoke - this will be shooting fish in a barrel.

Imagine getting popped for drunk driving five days after drinking a single beer, and you can see what kind of legal "stacked deck" pot users are now up against.

Also, this policy will clog the courts, waste police time that would be better spent trying to catch drunk drivers or other actual criminals, and do nothing at all to increase road safety.

The media-addled public is being duped again.

Russell Barth

Nepean, Ont.


19 CN BC: Drugged Drivers Can Be DetectedThu, 19 Nov 2009
Source:North Island Gazette (CN BC) Author:Bird, Teresa Area:British Columbia Lines:62 Added:11/21/2009

PORT HARDY - The RCMP have a new weapon in their arsenal for fighting impaired driving.

Cst. Ed Nugent has completed the Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) program to help identify drivers who are impaired by drugs.

"I am basically the equivalent of a breathalyzer for drugs," said Nugent. The program was developed in the U.S. and Nugent took the training first in Vancouver, then got practical experience in Arizona, where he tried out his new skills on prisoners there.

Drivers who are suspected of being impaired by drugs are treated just like one impaired by alcohol, said Nugent.

[continues 272 words]

20 CN BC: PUB LTE: Local Treatment Centres NeededWed, 10 Jun 2009
Source:North Island Gazette (CN BC) Author:Perlini, Ben Area:British Columbia Lines:68 Added:06/14/2009

Dear editor,

This article is written for all North Island residents.

As most people know, drugs and alcohol are a problem in this North Island region.

This disease or problem costs lives and tax dollars, not to mention all the other negative things that follow its dark path.

I listen endlessly to the news of how millions and millions of dollars are being spent on police and drug enforcement programs.

I don't know if police, lawyers, judges and ordinary people realize the serious power of drug and alcohol addiction.

[continues 241 words]

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