Baker, Hugh 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 CN BC: PUB LTE: Many Looking Forward To Marijuana's LegalizationTue, 09 Jan 2018
Source:Nanaimo News Bulletin (CN BC) Author:Baker, Hugh Area:British Columbia Lines:37 Added:01/09/2018

To the editor:

Re: Legalized marijuana will be a gateway drug, Letters, Dec. 28.

I read with interest the opinion that marijuana will lead to becoming a junkie.

From the age of 25 to around the age of 55, I smoked pot every day. I never encountered the day the marijuana failed to get me high. Some strains were more effective than others, but with the hundreds of fellow smokers I met over this time, only a few would go on cocaine benders but never made it a habit. There were doctors, lawyers, mechanics, school teachers and just about every walk of life who enjoyed a puff every day. In my life I have seen many more lives ravaged by booze than pot.

[continues 72 words]

2 CN BC: LTE: Addicted Victims Need ProtectionSat, 14 Apr 2007
Source:Nanaimo News Bulletin (CN BC) Author:Baker, Hugh Area:British Columbia Lines:53 Added:04/15/2007

To the Editor,

Re: Homelessness as an industry, April 7.

The addicted victims need protection.

The new Red Zone has changed some things in the area - a lot less of the unfortunates gather on the streets near Milton and Haliburton. They have simply moved.

Homeless people will remain.

The RCMP's strategic plan targets large scale dealers. But this leaves the same vultures free to target those people having trouble getting rent money or other funds together.

Every third night, the same truck pulls up to the same house on Irwin Street and for the next three or four days, people come and go, night and day.

[continues 93 words]

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