Gidjunis, Joe 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 US DC: Edu: SA Disputes Drug QuestionThu, 11 Apr 2002
Source:GW Hatchet (DC) Author:Gidjunis, Joe Area:District of Columbia Lines:68 Added:04/13/2002

GW students are joining others around the nation in fighting a law that strips them of financial aid for past or current drug offenses.

Question 35 on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid form asks students if they have been convicted of possessing or selling illegal drugs while over the age of 18 (tobacco and alcohol are excluded). If they leave it blank, aid is delayed. If they have been convicted, aid can be permanently restricted.

On Tuesday the Student Association joined more than 100 student governments around the nation in signing a petition encouraging Congress to remove the question because it unfairly denies students needed funds.

[continues 311 words]

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