Smoke, Rob 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 US CO: PUB LTE: Marijuana Prohibition -- Vote 'Yes' On AmendmentTue, 16 Oct 2012
Source:Daily Camera (Boulder, CO) Author:Smoke, Rob Area:Colorado Lines:56 Added:10/17/2012

The anti-marijuana forces have been doing their much-anticipated zombie dance with the approach of election day -- or is it Halloween? "Marijuana is the gateway drug," "teen use will skyrocket," "dispensaries invite crime" -- display your fangs, twirl your bloody limbs, zombies -- miserable arguments coming back from the dead are all you have!

Let's look at the first one: Marijuana as a "gateway." It's a little like saying milk is the gateway to alcoholism -- think of mom adding chocolate syrup to lure you the same way bartenders put cherries in mixed drinks -- obviously theyre linked.

[continues 226 words]

2 US CO: PUB LTE: Cu Wrong To Try And Stop 4/20 EventTue, 24 Apr 2012
Source:Daily Camera (Boulder, CO) Author:Smoke, Rob Area:Colorado Lines:31 Added:04/25/2012

Set aside the letter of the law, what's the ethical basis for closing the CU campus on 4/20? There's a raging debate over marijuana, and whether you agree or disagree, 4/20 is the day of collective voice for those who favor legal reform.

The idea that a major public university, at the behest of a non-elected administrator, would close its campus to the public to stop that voice -- is obscene.

When I was a child, our fourth-grade social studies class entertained the question: "What would things be like if Hitler had won?" News flash: A public university with a closed campus on 4/20 says it all.

Kudos to everyone who showed up anyway.



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