Gluesing, Jens 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 Bolivia: A Political Drug War in BoliviaTue, 28 Mar 2006
Source:Der Spiegel (Germany) Author:Gluesing, Jens Area:Bolivia Lines:199 Added:03/28/2006

Is Coca the New Hemp?

The wine, a bit on the sweet side, is supposedly a remedy against Parkinson's disease and impotence and, according to the label, it is especially suitable for "athletes and singers." In small doses, that is, because the wine is pressed from coca leaves, enhancing the effect of the alcohol. If you get drunk, you don't have to worry about how you're going to feel the next day because "coca wine doesn't cause a hangover," says Melby Paz.

[continues 1561 words]

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