White, Stan 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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41 CN ON: PUB LTE: Pot Still Pretty High On Pm' ListTue, 22 Dec 2015
Source:London Free Press (CN ON) Author:White, Stan Area:Ontario Lines:31 Added:12/23/2015

Regarding the column Legalizing pot not high on list for our new PM (Dec. 16).

Considering Prime Minister Justin Trudeau mandated Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould to begin the process of legalizing and regulating cannabis (marijuana) in Canada, isn't Michael Den Tandt mistaken to discount the importance of ending cannabis prohibition? It may not be the top priority, but it is one of the most important and current issues in North America.

Further, attempting to discount Colorado's example of re-legalizing cannabis is fraught with misanalyzing information. In fact, the law is working as planned and every subsequent poll indicates Colorado citizens and voters continue to support ending cannabis in the state.

Stan White

Dillon, Colo.


42 CN ON: PUB LTE: Discrimination Against Citizens Must End NowFri, 18 Dec 2015
Source:Daily Press, The (CN ON) Author:White, Stan Area:Ontario Lines:31 Added:12/19/2015

Cannabis (marijuana) prohibition, the act of caging responsible adults for using the relatively safe, extremely popular God-given plant, has been very lucrative for the institution of policing.

I refer to The Daily Press story, "No Good Can Come Of This," published on Dec. 5. It would be surprising for Timmins Police Chief John Gauthier to think rationally regarding cannabis and give up the decades old gravy train.

Discriminating against citizens, especially sick citizens, who use cannabis is on its last leg and should not be tolerated by civilized society any longer.

Police should devote all of their attention to protecting citizens.

Stan White, Dillon, Col.


43 US NV: PUB LTE: Rationality On Pot?Thu, 10 Dec 2015
Source:Reno News & Review (NV) Author:White, Stan Area:Nevada Lines:31 Added:12/10/2015

Re "Marijuana slows achievers" (Upfront, Dec. 3):

There are too many variable factors to point toward different countries' educational statistics to rationally claim cannabis (marijuana) causes lower achievement, unless, truth be told, Washoe Assemblymember Pat Hickey is a Republican cannabis prohibitionist with an agenda. Further, using Colorado's example, once government is forced to regulate cannabis, adolescents have less opportunity to acquire the plant than when the black market regulates it. It's time to stop caging responsible adults who choose to use the extremely popular, relatively safe, God-given plant cannabis.


Stan White

Dillon, Co.


44 CN BC: PUB LTE: Police Should 'Stand Down' On Pot ShopsTue, 08 Dec 2015
Source:Daily Courier, The (CN BC) Author:White, Stan Area:British Columbia Lines:31 Added:12/09/2015

Considering Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's mandate - to Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould - to begin the process of legalizing and regulating cannabis in Canada, isn't it time for RCMP to put a moratorium on investigating cannabis dispensaries ("Pot shops stand firm after visit from cops," Dec. 3)?

The institution of policing must accept cannabis prohibition is practically over.

Discriminating against citizens, including sick citizens, who choose to use the relatively safe, extremely popular God-given plant is on its last leg and should not be tolerated by civilized society any longer.

Stand down.

Stan White, Dillon, Colo.


45 US MI: PUB LTE: Campaigning For CannabisWed, 02 Dec 2015
Source:Metro Times (Detroit, MI) Author:White, Stan Area:Michigan Lines:31 Added:12/06/2015

In a recent Higher Ground column, Larry Gabriel wrote about why people should sign MILegalize petition to end Michigan's cannabis prohibition ("Make the right choice: Support MILegalize,"Nov. 25). Reader Stan White wrote in to offer his endorsement:

As a Colorado resident and longtime cannabis (marijuana) activist, I support the Comprehensive Cannabis Law Reform Initiative Committee and the MILegalize movement ending cannabis prohibition in Michigan. It's important for voters to realize and avoid controversial opportunities, the likes of which have fractured the cannabis movement in Ohio and California that failed. With MILegalize, I'm confident that just like in Colorado, every subsequent poll will show Michigan citizens continue supporting the end of cannabis prohibition.

Stan White

Dillon, Colorado


46 US MA: PUB LTE: Paranoid Over PotTue, 24 Nov 2015
Source:Boston Herald (MA) Author:White, Stan Area:Massachusetts Lines:30 Added:11/24/2015

I'm sure that Barnstable County Sheriff James M. Cummings means well ("Cops: Legal pot 'makes no sense'," Nov. 16). However, the cannabis (marijuana) "gateway theory" was discredited over a decade ago, and even the prohibitionist federal government stopped making that claim.

Cannabis is no more likely to lead to heroin addiction than beer or milk. The prohibition of cannabis, on the other hand, has been associated with increased hard-drug addiction rates - by, among other things, putting cannabis users in contact with people who may also sell hard drugs including heroin.

Caging responsible adults who choose to use the relatively safe cannabis is what "makes no sense."

- - Stan White, Dillon, Colo.


47 CN AB: PUB LTE: Legalize Pot!Sat, 21 Nov 2015
Source:Calgary Sun, The (CN AB) Author:White, Stan Area:Alberta Lines:34 Added:11/22/2015

Did Police Chief Roger Chaffin ("Not Sure Society Needs Another Drug" Nov. 18, 2015) just arrive in North America? Society is not preparing to add "another drug" for citizens to use but rather, re-legalizing a relatively safe, God-given plant, which is being used by millions of North Americans daily. A plant that should never have been prohibited from the beginning. And challenges to law enforcement? Ending cannabis prohibition will be easier, not more difficult to enforce. In fact, re-legalizing the plant will likely put some law enforcement jobs in jeopardy; is that Chaffin's real concern? Nothing changes with drivers who are too impaired to operate a motor vehicle; it's illegal now, it will be illegal after ending the cannabis prohibition farce. It's time to eliminate cannabis prohibitionist's "voice at the table." Especially those who have been profiting off the injustice.

Stan White,

Dillon, Colo.

(We'll see if our government follows your state's model.)


48 CN BC: PUB LTE: Put a Moratorium on Terrorizing and ExtortingThu, 19 Nov 2015
Source:Nanaimo News Bulletin (CN BC) Author:White, Stan Area:British Columbia Lines:30 Added:11/20/2015

To the Editor,

Re: Pot dispensaries advised by RCMP to close up shop, Nov. 17.

Considering Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's mandate, last week, to Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould, to begin the process of legalizing and regulating cannabis in Canada, isn't it time for any and all police agencies along with the RCMP to put a moratorium on terrorizing and extorting cannabis dispensaries?

Stephen Harper is history and cannabis prohibition will soon be history; all that's left is formalities and calling the dogs off citizens.

Stan White Dillon, Colo.


49 US CA: PUB LTE: End Prohibition Now, CaliforniaFri, 24 Apr 2015
Source:East Bay Express (CA) Author:White, Stan Area:California Lines:27 Added:04/29/2015

Hopefully, California residents are paying attention. Forcing the black market to regulate cannabis (marijuana) has proven to be one of the United States' worst policy failures in history. Forcing government to regulate the relatively safe, god-given plant is best for everyone.

Since Colorado re-legalized cannabis, nearly every negative prediction has proven false by nearly every measure. California voters will likely have the opportunity to completely re-legalize cannabis in 2016 and should not let that golden opportunity slip away. The negative consequences of cannabis prohibition cannot end soon enough.

Stan White, Dillon, Colorado


50 US CA: PUB LTE: End Prohibition Now, CaliforniaTue, 21 Apr 2015
Source:East Bay Express (CA) Author:White, Stan Area:California Lines:27 Added:04/25/2015

Hopefully, California residents are paying attention. Forcing the black market to regulate cannabis (marijuana) has proven to be one of the United States' worst policy failures in history. Forcing government to regulate the relatively safe, god-given plant is best for everyone.

Since Colorado re-legalized cannabis, nearly every negative prediction has proven false by nearly every measure. California voters will likely have the opportunity to completely re-legalize cannabis in 2016 and should not let that golden opportunity slip away. The negative consequences of cannabis prohibition cannot end soon enough.

Stan White, Dillon, Colorado


51 US OR: PUB LTE: Marijuana Is Biblically CorrectSun, 19 Apr 2015
Source:Argus Observer (OR) Author:White, Stan Area:Oregon Lines:28 Added:04/20/2015

Another reason for accepting cannabis (marijuana) due to its chemical compounds that give it healing properties, that doesn't get mentioned (Professor says marijuana benefits the body, Apr. 12, 2015) is because it's Biblically correct since God (The Ecologician) created all the seed bearing plants saying they're all good on literally the very 1st page of the Bible. Many people know of cannabis as the tree of life and the very last page of the Bible indicates the leaves of the tree of life are for the healing of the nations. In over 5,000 years of documented medical use, there still isn't one single death, that's safety on a Biblical scale. Cannabis is the king of the plant kingdom.

Truthfully, Stan White,

Dillon, Colorado


52 CN AB: PUB LTE: It's God's PlantSat, 18 Apr 2015
Source:Sherwood Park News (CN AB) Author:White, Stan Area:Alberta Lines:31 Added:04/20/2015

Another important reason to end cannabis (marijuana) prohibition that doesn't get mentioned ("Legalize Marijuana," Tuesday, April 7 News) is because it is biblically correct since God (The Ecologician) created all the seed bearing plants saying they're all good on literally the very first page.

The only biblical restriction to using cannabis is to use it with thankfulness (see 1 Tim. 4:1-5).

A sane or moral argument to continue cannabis prohibition doesn't exist.


Stan White

Dillon, Colorado


53 CN BC: PUB LTE: Vote For CannabisThu, 16 Apr 2015
Source:Parksville Qualicum Beach News (CN BC) Author:White, Stan Area:British Columbia Lines:32 Added:04/17/2015

Re: letter to the editor 'Weed and autism,' (The NEWS, April 9)

Depriving needy children of CBD without THC is much worse than "sad" - it's criminal. Indeed, families from many different states have relocated to Colorado so they can have access to the relatively safe God-given plant.

On election day, citizens can help end sinister cannabis (marijuana) laws by voting Prime Minister Stephen Harper out of office and giving political leaders notice that cannabis prohibition is no longer welcome.

With the cannabis issues coming up in the U.S. I expect to see many prohibitionist Republicans getting their notice on election day in 2016.

Stan White

Dillon, Colorado


54 US CA: PUB LTE: It's Alive!Thu, 16 Apr 2015
Source:North Coast Journal (Arcata, CA) Author:White, Stan Area:California Lines:28 Added:04/17/2015

Grant Scott-Goforth is mistaken to equate ending cannabis (marijuana) prohibition with an experiment ("Give It Away Now," April 9). Like the original prohibition with alcohol, which historically is known as the Grand Experiment, the sequel, with cannabis, is the experiment. More like a Frankenstein experiment.

The effort in Washington D.C. is simply a desperate attempt to end one of America's worst policy failures in history. Ending the negative consequences of cannabis prohibition requires forcing government to regulate cannabis. Unfortunately, Republican Congress chooses to force the black market to regulate the God-given plant. The proof: knowing most people in D.C. who have cannabis were not given their plant material.

Stan White, Dillon, Colorado


55 US OR: PUB LTE: Discriminating Against Pot Users In EmploymentThu, 16 Apr 2015
Source:Bulletin, The (Bend, OR) Author:White, Stan Area:Oregon Lines:29 Added:04/17/2015

Let's be honest ("New pot law will not change drug testing," April 12, 2015). Firing responsible employees who use cannabis (marijuana) after work when they could drink whiskey is discrimination, plain and simple. It's getting more difficult to legally discriminate against one another and although it's historically challenging to break discriminatory habits, this one needs to go.

Approving after hours employees to drink beer, wine and whiskey and show up for work the next day but disallowing cannabis is insane. It's not legitimately based on science or morality, and intelligent people know it.

Stan White

Dillon, Colorado


56 CN AB: PUB LTE: What Are Cops Smoking?Thu, 09 Apr 2015
Source:Edmonton Sun (CN AB) Author:White, Stan Area:Alberta Lines:28 Added:04/11/2015

The Edmonton Sun and or the police are gravely mistaken, exclaiming, "home grow-ops are giving Edmonton police a headache" (Grow-ops skirting the law, April 5).

Cannabis (marijuana) prohibition is responsible for creating the headaches and they're migraines. In fact, cannabis prohibition is a headache for nearly every location where the blatant ignorance is allowed to perpetuate.

Stan White

(Under the current law, home grow ops can still pose a problem, Stan.)


57 US CO: PUB LTE: Good Shot LelandThu, 09 Apr 2015
Source:Boulder Weekly (CO) Author:White, Stan Area:Colorado Lines:20 Added:04/09/2015

Leland Rucker got an arrow-splitting bull's eye [Re: "'Gazette' cannabis package serves up purple haze," Weed Between the Lines, Apr. 2] exposing the dark cannabis prohibition underbelly. Fortunately, Colorado citizens heard it all before and voted.

Truthfully, Stan White/Dillon, Colo.


58 US TX: PUB LTE: Police Want Cannabis ProhibitionSat, 04 Apr 2015
Source:Amarillo Globe-News (TX) Author:White, Stan Area:Texas Lines:32 Added:04/09/2015

Regarding the Amarillo Globe-News article (Drug policy creates local outcry, March 29, amarillo.com) for the moment, Texas Department of Public Safety Trooper Daniel Hawthorne hides behind the shield, asserting, "I don't have the authority to make judgment calls. That's for a judge to do, not me. That's for a jury to do." Hawthorne's comment is regarding cannabis (marijuana) laws, but in reality, law enforcement agencies and their unions fight to perpetuate cannabis prohibition.

I remember police saying 40 years ago that they don't make the laws - - they just enforce them, and if you don't like the laws, change them. Now it seems a cop's job description is to perpetuate cannabis prohibition. A sane or moral argument to cage responsible adults who use the God-given plant cannabis doesn't exist.

Stan White

Dillon, Colo.


59 US OK: PUB LTE: Cannabis Prohibition Is The ProblemSun, 05 Apr 2015
Source:Oklahoman, The (OK) Author:White, Stan Area:Oklahoma Lines:34 Added:04/07/2015

Regarding "Colorado defends pot laws against Oklahoma, Nebraska legal attack" (News, March 28): Aaron Cooper, a spokesman for Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt, has it backward in claiming that Colorado's legalization of cannabis has negatively impacted surrounding states like Oklahoma and Nebraska. Rather, cannabis prohibition is responsible for negatively impacting Oklahoma, Nebraska and the entire country.

Further, they're unable to grasp what is taking place. Colorado government isn't promoting commercialized cannabis, but rather regulating the God-given plant. Oklahoma and Nebraska leaders fail to realize what they're actually doing is forcing the black market to regulate cannabis instead. While Oklahoma and Nebraska leaders may wish to force the black market to continue regulating cannabis, Colorado voters decided to force government to do the inevitable job instead. Recent polls indicate continued growing support for that decision. Polls also indicate Oklahoma and Nebraska citizens wish to end cannabis prohibition.

Stan White, Dillon, Colo.


60 US HI: PUB LTE: Pot's Drug Status Should Be ChangedMon, 30 Mar 2015
Source:Honolulu Star-Advertiser (HI) Author:White, Stan Area:Hawaii Lines:31 Added:03/30/2015

Froma Harrop should give more credit to the Rand Paul, RKy., Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., and Cory Booker, D-N.J., bill ("Half a heart on marijuana better than no heart at all," Star-Advertiser, March 21).

Reducing cannabis (marijuana) from its current discredited classification as a Schedule I substance alongside heroin will allow a chain reaction of credible drug law reform, all by itself.

Like the original experiment with alcohol prohibition, the sequel has been not only a failure; it's one of America's worst policy failures.

Cannabis prohibition has been reinforced by lies, half-truths and propaganda, perhaps none worse than the Schedule I lie. America cannot move forward without fixing that blatant injustice.

Stan White Dillon, Colo.


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