Billeck, Scott 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 CN MB: Illegal Winnipeg Pot Dispensaries RaidedThu, 18 Jan 2018
Source:Winnipeg Sun (CN MB) Author:Billeck, Scott Area:Manitoba Lines:34 Added:01/18/2018

Winnipeg police raided two illegal marijuana dispensaries last week, just a few months before the plant becomes legal across the country.

Police said two locations of the Winnipeg Compassion Club, one on Mcphillips Street and the other on Pembina Highway, were raided on Jan. 8 after a months-long investigation by the service's Marihuana Grow Operation Unit that found the dispensary to be openly selling pot at both outlets.

The MGOU, and members of three different community support units carried out the raid, which turned up $25,000 worth of marijuana and $20,000 worth of marijuana in "alternate" forms, police said.

Police also seized $6,000 in cash.

Three men, ages 45, 28 and 27, have been arrested and charged with several crimes under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act along with possession of the proceeds of crime.

All three were released and face future court dates.


2 CN MB: Pot Shop In My Neighbourhood? Sure, Why NotWed, 03 Jan 2018
Source:Winnipeg Sun (CN MB) Author:Billeck, Scott Area:Manitoba Lines:44 Added:01/06/2018

A new poll suggests many Manitobans are ready for marijuana retailers to set up shop in their communities.

Probe Research Inc. polled 1,000 adults in the province between Nov. 23 and Dec. 14 and 58% of Manitobans said they'd be comfortable with a marijuana store opening up in their neighbourhood, as opposed to the 40% who opposed it and the 3% who were unsure.

"That 58% is healthy, we seem to be OK with this," said Mary Agnes Welch, senior researcher at Probe. "But there is a flip side to this, there are differences in Winnipegger's than rural residents. Winnipegger's are somewhat more comfortable with it than rural residents, non-Winnipeggers. And as you'd expect, older people are a bit less comfortable than younger people, but even a slim majority of older folks are cool with it. It seems to be reasonably universal comfort with this."

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3 CN MB: Homegrown Pot Ban 'Silly'Mon, 11 Dec 2017
Source:Winnipeg Sun (CN MB) Author:Billeck, Scott Area:Manitoba Lines:74 Added:12/16/2017

Consumer advocacy group concerned marijuana treated differently than booze

A consumer choice advocacy group has condemned the Manitoba government's plan to ban homegrown marijuana when it becomes legal in the country next year.

David Clement, the North American affairs manager for the Consumer Choice Centre, an independent entity that aims to promote more choice and freedom for consumers, says the decision to ban the growing of pot in homes is "silly" questions why the ability

Clement said the reason the CCC has spoken out is two-fold.

[continues 366 words]

4 CN MB: Under CoverSat, 12 Aug 2017
Source:Winnipeg Sun (CN MB) Author:Billeck, Scott Area:Manitoba Lines:76 Added:08/15/2017

RCMP add fentanyl protective gear

Manitoba's 1,080 front-line RCMP officers are getting an added layer of protection in the fight against fentanyl and other opioid exposure in the province.

The Manitoba government is investing nearly $54,000 on new personal protective equipment, which the RCMP say will be available to each of their front-line officers by the end of the year.

The new equipment kit, paid for by the criminal property forfeiture fund, includes respiratory and eye protection.

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5 CN MB: Weeding Out The TruthTue, 09 Feb 2016
Source:Winnipeg Free Press (CN MB) Author:Billeck, Scott Area:Manitoba Lines:131 Added:02/10/2016

MARIJUANA and fitness - common sense suggests one doesn't go well with the other. The stereotype of the lazy stoner who makes late-night pilgrimages for junk food doesn't mesh with someone who spends spare time lifting weights or goes on early morning jogs.

But some users who have taken a hit before lifting weights say there are benefits.

"Weed was a great help for me when I was just starting off weight training, running and cycling. For one, it really takes the edge of the soreness," says Martin, who doesn't want his last name published.

[continues 866 words]

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