Solby, Marc 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1CN ON: OPED: We Already Have A Logical Way To Sell CannabisSat, 09 Sep 2017
Source:Ottawa Citizen (CN ON) Author:Solby, Marc Area:Ontario Lines:Excerpt Added:09/13/2017

The Ontario government's announcement that it's going to use some sort of subsidiary of the LCBO to sell marijuana in the province is the worst possible option.

Already, the province has the existing infrastructure to sell cannabis: LCBO stores. Instead of going that route (which some health-care advocates worry places liquor and pot in too close proximity) or fully privatizing sales, such as with cigarettes, the Liberals have chosen a third path. It is tremendously wasteful and squanders a golden opportunity to make the LCBO more efficient.

[continues 544 words]

2CN QU: OPED: Tobacco Model Shouldn't Apply To CannabisFri, 31 Mar 2017
Source:Montreal Gazette (CN QU) Author:Solby, Marc Area:Quebec Lines:Excerpt Added:04/04/2017

Task force recommendations on marketing of marijuana are too restrictive, Marc Solby says.

Spring has sprung and along with crocus blooms, Canadians are eagerly awaiting the legislation to create and govern the recreational cannabis market. In April 2016, Health Minister Jane Philpott announced a deadline of spring 2017 to bring in legislation. That time is now.

We hope that the government is developing legislation that is bolder and more practical than the cautious and naive recommendations issued nearly four months ago by its task force looking at the issue. The task force, with its emphasis on law enforcement, failed to imagine and embrace a legal, recreational market. Instead, it chose an approach that is needlessly restricting and controlling. It seeks to create a market to sell cannabis, but wants to sell the least amount possible, essentially trying to suck and blow at the same time.

[continues 535 words]

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