Dewitt, Dean 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 US ME: PUB LTE: Legalize Marijuana, Let It Live Or Die On ItsMon, 30 May 2011
Source:Kennebec Journal (Augusta, ME) Author:DeWitt, Dean Area:Maine Lines:52 Added:05/30/2011

More news and wrangling about marijuana and growers, who is, who isn't. Still, it's the American profit motive at work. Everyone wants to grow marijuana for money, and lots of both. Who wouldn't want to get rich? The news is that someone else wants a piece of the pie and didn't get selected.

The business models and profit motives could be more of a problem than marijuana. Look what the tobacco companies did with cigarettes.

If you think the state is any better, look at how it markets lottery tickets. Sure, play responsibly, and cigarettes aren't addictive. Tobacco companies want kids to think smoking is "cool," and the state wants you to think "you're a winner."

[continues 191 words]

2 US ME: PUB LTE: Marijuana Editorial Used 'UnsubstantiatedThu, 19 May 2011
Source:Morning Sentinel (Waterville, ME) Author:Dewitt, Dean Area:Maine Lines:59 Added:05/15/2011

The April 21 editorial, "Bill to legalize marijuana just a waste of time," stated: "People don't smoke pot now because it is illegal, and that usage would skyrocket if the law changed."

The same day, the news also carried an article about Portland Democrat Rep. Diane Russell's introduction of marijuana legalization.

That reminded me of the fear-mongering in the movie "Reefer Madness." Back then, this same kind of rubbish was reported and led to the Marijuana Tax Act of 1938. Neither is close to the truth.

[continues 205 words]

3 US ME: PUB LTE: Marijuana Should Be Personal Health-Care ChoiceFri, 30 Oct 2009
Source:Morning Sentinel (Waterville, ME) Author:DeWitt, Dean Area:Maine Lines:64 Added:10/30/2009

It's been 10 years since medical marijuana legislation passed, but patients have difficulty with access to supply their marijuana. Difficulty getting marijuana prescriptions by medical-pharmaceutical interests continues.

Law enforcement target these people, hoping to inflict some legal damage.

I'm telling you these patients suffer enough. As a registered nurse, I could tell positive stories of marijuana therapy and persons who could benefit from medicinal use. It's sad when individuals restrict their health decisions based on politics, regulation, fear and public opinion.

[continues 235 words]

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