I believe that it is time for me to weigh in on Ballot Measure 67. Is it really a measure to ensure that medical use of marijuana can be achieved in Oregon, or is it a backdoor means of legalizing marijuana? A close look at the lanquage of the proposed initiative leads to no other conclusion than the latter. This is not a medical bill; this is a legalization proposal. The measure proposes that any person with a "debilitating medical condition" is eligible to receive the "registy identification card" which authorizes the "medical use of marijuana." Let us look at the definition of "debilitating medical condition." This condition exists if a person can convince a doctor that he/she is suffering from "severe pain" (I stubbed my toe last week and had a great deal of severe pain) or they are suffering from "severe nausea". ( My wife had the flu last month and it made me nauseous.) [continues 464 words]