Unravelling the Complications of Growing Medical Marijuana Through the Health Canada program, Bilodeau officially supplies three patients with marijuana for medical relief - which he grows for them absolutely free of charge. Off the books to support the costs of growing, he sells his surplus to the Montreal Compassion Club, where he also works as a manager. The club dispenses medical marijuana to members who demonstrate a legitimate medical need, but haven't got a doctor's prescription and aren't part of the government program. [continues 2141 words]
Self-Medication Should Be A Right Self-medication is the use of drugs or alcohol to reduce emotional distress. It's widely accepted that using drugs for these reasons can lead to addiction. However, the link between self-medication and addiction should not negate our natural, inherent right to medicate our bodies as we see fit. Just like prescription medication, street drugs can be used and they can be abused. The potential for benefit or for harm must not be reduced to what's legal and what's illegal. The growing tolerance of the medicinal use of marijuana is a prime example. Another: heroin is still prescribed by doctors in the U.K. as a remedy for severe pain. [continues 406 words]