When I was growing up, my parents employed some crazy family management practices, like put it out to the whole clan, "We're having takeout, what would you like to have for dinner?" This was the type of thing you did when you didn't have the internet or 500 TV channels. You let your kids entertain you. In the case of impromptu takeout nights, there was a catch. We were buying dinner from one place. We just needed a consensus on what that place would be. [continues 253 words]
When I was growing up, my parents employed some crazy family management practices, like put it out to the whole clan, "We're having takeout, what would you like to have for dinner?" This was the type of thing you did when you didn't have the internet or 500 TV channels. You let your kids entertain you. In the case of impromptu takeout nights, there was a catch. We were buying dinner from one place. We just needed a consensus on what that place would be. [continues 559 words]
Do you smoke pot? According to stats I saw this week, 12 per cent of Ontario residents 15 and over smoked marijuana at least once over a recent 12-month period. Which is about 1.3 million Ontarians. Or about 130,000 people here in York Region. This is according to Statistics Canada's Canadian Community Health Survey for 2012, which asked Canadians over 15 if they used cannabis or hash. Keep in mind these were only the people willing to admit to using pot. [continues 533 words]
You might call it reefer madness, but I'm starting to wonder if there may be something positive that will come out of the two politicians going door to door in their area, in search of marijuana grow houses. There's a bumper crop of examples of crime-fighting duos in the movies, literature and on TV. Often they're our heroes. Just think of Sherlock Holmes and Watson, or Starsky and Hutch, Freebie and the Bean, or Clint Eastwood and Clyde, the orangutan. [continues 735 words]