Johrde, Kristina 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 Germany: 70 Police Storm Techno ClubMon, 13 Mar 2000
Source:Hamburger Abendblatt (Germany) Author:Johrde, Kristina Area:Germany Lines:67 Added:03/16/2000

Techno sound booms through the basement hollow. Sweating bodies dance to fast beats. The crowd is frenzied. It's Saturday night, just after midnight. The techno scene is celebrating it's weekend at the Tunnel club on Grosse Freiheit [red light district, tr.]. Then the sudden shock: bright lights, an amplified voice booming "This is the police. Nobody moves. We're taking over." It's a drug raid, and the party's over. Seventy police officers storm the club in seconds. Nobody gets out, nobody gets in. Every person on the premises is searched. Those who offer any resistance have to stand up agaist the black wall and spread arms and legs. Pills are thrown on the ground, ditched at the last minute. The police confiscate 700 Ecstasy pills, 43 packs of speed and 40 bags of other, yet unidentified drugs. Twenty clubbers are temporarily arrested.

[continues 401 words]

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