Jamieson, Paul K_ 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 CN BC: PUB LTE: Drug War? Mission Accomplished!Thu, 16 Sep 2004
Source:Westender (Vancouver, CN BC) Author:Jamieson, Paul K. Area:British Columbia Lines:90 Added:09/17/2004

The issue of illegal drugs in Vancouver took on a surreal tinge [last week] when dozens of police, many dressed in black ski-masks, stormed the Da Kine cannabis cafe on Vancouver's Euro-beat-trendy Commercial Drive. The cafe had been openly selling cannabis to patrons since opening its doors four months ago, but for whatever reason, had not attracted the attention of the VPD.

This situation changed just over a week ago when the story erupted into a full-scale tempest after local CTV affiliate aired a broadcast of the Da Kine cafe. B.C.'s senior law enforcement officer, Solicitor-General Rich Coleman subsequently appeared on television chastising Vancouverites for not learning the lesson of the Downtown Eastside. Mr. Coleman's corollary was this: Cannabis cafes lead directly to the corner of Main and Hastings with your teeth rotting out of your head, giving hand-jobs for crack.

[continues 567 words]

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