Herald Argus, The _IN_ 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2025
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1 US IN: Valpo Man Tells Youths The Heartbreaking Story Of HisMon, 30 Oct 2006
Source:Herald Argus, The (IN) Author:LaFrance, Catherine Area:Indiana Lines:78 Added:10/30/2006

LAPORTE -- At Kesling Middle School Thursday, Red Ribbon Week's anti-drug message came through via the story of a father's loss of his only child to heroin.

Mann Spitler of Valparaiso, who lost his 20-year-old daughter Manda in March 2002, spoke to Kesling students as the highlight of the school's anti-drugs week.

As Spitler wove a tapestry of tragedy, describing his daughter's happy childhood through her devastating final hours, sixth- and eighth-grade students listened in silent awe.

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2 US IN: Monitoring MethFri, 25 Nov 2005
Source:Herald Argus, The (IN) Author:Shackelford, Dawn Area:Indiana Lines:86 Added:11/25/2005

State Police Launch New 'Watch Kits' For Retailers

LAPORTE COUNTY -- Indiana State Police are recruiting retailers as cornerstones in the fight against methamphetamine.

State police have launched a voluntary educational program called Meth Watch, and are distributing Meth Watch Kits to local retailers.

"Retailers across Indiana welcome Meth Watch so we can continue to educate our employees, customers and communities about meth abuse," Grant Monahan, president of the Indiana Retail Council, said in a state police press release.

Indiana Meth Watch is a statewide campaign aimed at slowing the spread of methamphetamine sales and use in Indiana communities. The program is administered by the Meth Free Indiana Coalition, comprised of more than 15 state government agencies working with retailers, groceries, pharmacies, gas stations and convenience stores.

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