Taylor, Kelly 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2025
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1 US NC: Law Would Make Defrauding Drug Tests a CrimeTue, 30 Jul 2002
Source:Free Press, The (NC) Author:Taylor, Kelly Area:North Carolina Lines:116 Added:07/30/2002

Members of the state House of Representatives are considering a law that would make illegal defrauding a drug test or marketing products that would aid in defrauding drug tests.

Senate Bill 1162 - which was passed unanimously by the state Senate July 18 - - sits in the House Rules Committee.

The bill would make it illegal to "sell, give away, distribute, or market urine ... with the intent that it be used to defraud an alcohol or screening test." Attempting to defeat urine drug screenings would also be illegal.

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