O_Connor, Donal 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 CN ON: Drug Charges Up 36% In '09Sat, 27 Feb 2010
Source:Beacon Herald, The (CN ON) Author:O'Connor, Donal Area:Ontario Lines:58 Added:02/28/2010

Methamphetamine trafficking and use remained a prevalent issue in Stratford in 2009, but police have not being seeing production of the highly addictive drug here in the city.

Deputy Police Chief John Bates made the comment Thursday in presenting an annual report on drug unit occurrences to the Stratford Police Services Board.

He said there was a significant increase in trafficking and possession for the purpose of trafficking of the prescription medication Oxycontin.

People obtain the drugs through their doctors, he said, and may then sell the pills. Some may report their pills have been stolen and obtain more.

[continues 214 words]

2 CN ON: Is Hemp A Cash Crop?Thu, 30 Jul 2009
Source:Beacon Herald, The (CN ON) Author:O'Connor, Donal Area:Ontario Lines:96 Added:07/31/2009

Private-sector funding for establishing hemp-processing factories may be a hard sell at the moment, but Gordon Scheifele is undaunted in his passion for developing the enormous potential for hemp.

Earlier this week on a farm just east of Tavistock, Mr. Scheifele was showing a group of 16 mostly student workers how to distinguish male and female buds on hemp plants within a 10-acre seed crop.

Plants showing yellowish male buds, he explained, were to be pulled -- a task known as roguing. The plants with female buds, which will develop into seeds that can be certified for resale, were to be left alone to grow to maturity.

[continues 516 words]

3 CN ON: Drugs Top List Of Concerns For Area YouthSat, 05 Jul 2008
Source:Beacon Herald, The (CN ON) Author:O'Connor, Donal Area:Ontario Lines:60 Added:07/06/2008

The three most difficult things facing youth in Perth County are drugs, bullying and peer pressure.

That's the word from a survey of grades 7 and 8 students across the county conducted by the United Way of Perth County.

In total 695 students took part in answering the survey questions. Another 150 students participated in focus groups held in elementary schools.

"Drugs" was identified as among the top three issues by 54 per cent of respondents. Bullying, peer pressure and alcohol were identified as top issues by less than half as many but they were well above other "difficulties" such as boredom or smoking.

[continues 257 words]

4 CN ON: Local Meth Task Force Set To StrategizeSat, 24 Mar 2007
Source:Beacon Herald, The (CN ON) Author:O'Connor, Donal Area:Ontario Lines:75 Added:03/27/2007

Provincial funding totalling $1 million for the Perth County Meth Task Force should be forthcoming in about two weeks and the first thing will be to bring the members together to plan the pilot project intended for province-wide use. Mayor Dan Mathieson, co-chair of the task force, said he has already been in contact with the University of Waterloo regarding playing a role through its masters programs in social work and public health, and he expects they will help in completing some of the work. The funding was welcomed by the mayor and by task force co-chair Dr. Rosana Pellizzari, medical officer of health for Perth County. "It's saying to me that our work has not gone unnoticed I think our work is paying off," said Dr. Pellizzari. Although there's still no provincewide strategy for dealing with crystal meth, she said, she is hopeful the task force here will be a leader and will assist the government in dealing with the problem. Her own involvement in the pilot project, however, will be limited as she'll be moving on to a new public health position in Toronto at the end of April when her duties here end. She said she hopes that her replacement as medical officer of health will fill the gap. Mayor Mathieson said he expects that by the beginning of May the task force will want to present its plan to the community and would then work through MPP John Wilkinson's office to eventually forward its work to the ministries of the Attorney General and Correctional Services. The $1 million for the task force announced Friday by Mr. Wilkinson is pegged for a one-year pilot project that will include educational awareness, treatment and enforcement pertaining to methamphetamine manufacture and use. The task force was established at the end of 2005 to combat a burgeoning meth problem in the county, evidenced by the discovery and dismantling of about 15 meth labs and several fires associated with making the illicit, highly addictive and dangerous drug. In announcing the funding, Mr. Wilkinson recalled that Perth County and Stratford had been given "a black eye" on the meth issue about a year ago. "We're going to figure out how to run that drug out of this county," he said. In an interview he credited Monte Kwinter, the minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services, and Finance Minister Greg Sorbara for supporting the project. "There's a method to my madness," said Mr. Wilkinson, in bringing so many cabinet ministers to town. Mr. Kwinter was impressed with the community support shown for combating the meth problem. The government is hoping a solution will come from the task force and from what's known about the problem in the county. In a press release, Dr. Pellizzari said Perth County has identified the major gaps and needs. "We have done our homework and we believe that any approach to substance use needs to include all four of Canada's national drug strategy pillars: prevention, treatment, enforcement and harm reduction." She said the funding could be used in a number of ways. Among them: * Set up prevention and treatment programs and good outpatient programs for those who want to kick the highly-addictive drug. * Figure out how to equip and train first-responders properly to deal with the labs and chemicals inside them. * Put in place a process to clean up the labs, the homes, land or farms after a bust. * Assess what can be done with the people - and often children - who are found living in the buildings where so-called cooks brew the toxic chemicals to make the drug. Since it began in late 2005, the task force has lobbied for a provincial strategy on crystal meth and has taken steps locally to address research and service gaps, she said. Thirty major stakeholders, including police, locally and provincially elected officials, the health care sector, schools and mental health agencies have been working on the meth problem.

- - With files from the London Free Press


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