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61 CN QU: Editorial: Legal Pot? Are We Tripping, Or What?Tue, 18 Apr 2017
Source:Record, The (CN QU) Author:Black, Peter Area:Quebec Lines:91 Added:04/19/2017

"Far out, man!" That's likely what teenaged me would have said if a visitor from the future had said Prime Minister Trudeau had legalized marijuana in 2018. Then I might have said "What? Trudeau is still prime minister?" Then, "Wow, this is some boss weed if I'm talking to some dude from the future." I might have added "Hey, visitor, when did the Leafs win their next Cup?"

Truth be told, your scribe was not much of stoner in his youth, though he effected some of the look and lifestyle. Long hair. Check. Tie-dyed shirts. Check. Bare-foot summers. Check. But a regular consumer of marijuana products? Pas a mon gout. Didn't really have the mental constitution for it. In fact, it's always been a mystery, and the subject of mountains of research, how people react differently when tetrahydrocannabinol hits their bloodstream.

[continues 555 words]

62CN QU: Barrette Wants Slice Of Pot PieTue, 18 Apr 2017
Source:Montreal Gazette (CN QU)          Area:Quebec Lines:Excerpt Added:04/19/2017

Tweets take aim at Ottawa

Quebec Health Minister Gaetan Barrette took to social media on Sunday to complain that Ottawa's marijuana legalization drops plenty of responsibilities on the provinces but little in the way of money.

Barrette, who has been decidedly cool to the Trudeau government's plan to legalize recreational marijuana use, wrote on his Twitter account that "Fed Libs political anthem: High visibility, low cost (to them). Always. Latest example? Pot legalization."

The minister then went on to muse over whether the provinces should get a share of any federal tax revenue generated by legal marijuana sales, writing "Pot: all consequences and responsibilities being imposed on PTs shoulders shouldn't fed taxes also be transferred to PTs!"

[continues 123 words]

63CN QU: OPED: Legalization Of Marijuana Is Courting DisasterTue, 18 Apr 2017
Source:Montreal Gazette (CN QU) Author:Anson, Benjamin Area:Quebec Lines:Excerpt Added:04/19/2017

As an employer and father, Benjamin Anson is alarmed

As an employer and father to three young children, I am alarmed by the federal government's plan to legalize marijuana.

There is already a deadly opioid crisis underway, but the government remains fixated on making marijuana freely available. The legalization of marijuana is a far more drastic, normalizing step than decriminalization would ever be.

Legalization will encourage marijuana use, thereby putting all Canadians at risk.

Marijuana is already being openly marketed in anticipation of legalization. If this statement sounds far-fetched, then look out for the billboards that already loom over Montreal streets advertising a website that indicates where marijuana can be bought.

[continues 555 words]

64CN QU: Legalization Advocates Are Not Impressed By BillTue, 18 Apr 2017
Source:Montreal Gazette (CN QU) Author:Curtis, Christopher Area:Quebec Lines:Excerpt Added:04/19/2017

Longtime advocate says legalization process puts 'fox in charge of hen house'

Jodie Emery fought the law and the law won.

At least, that's the short version of how things went down when Emery and her husband Marc tried to open five illegal marijuana dispensaries in Montreal last December.

Hours after the dispensaries' carnival-like grand opening, the Emerys were in handcuffs and police shut down all of their storefronts. Though Emery had escaped the initial crackdown, undercover officers caught up to her at a downtown hotel.

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65CN QU: Will There Be A Societe Du Cannabis Du Quebec?Sat, 15 Apr 2017
Source:Montreal Gazette (CN QU) Author:Riga, Andy Area:Quebec Lines:Excerpt Added:04/19/2017

Will you be able to pick up a bag of pot at a Societe du cannabis du Quebec, run by the same people who sell you wine and scotch?

Employees of the province's liquor stores - the Societe des alcools du Quebec (SAQ) - hope so.

But Montreal's public-health system is dead set against that idea, suggesting the SAQ should not be a model because it promotes the use of alcohol to fill government coffers.

On Thursday, Ottawa announced its long-awaited legalization plan, saying it wants to provide regulated access to recreational cannabis no later than July 2018.

[continues 509 words]

66CN QU: Quebec Gives Federal Pot Plan Cool ReceptionFri, 14 Apr 2017
Source:Montreal Gazette (CN QU) Author:Authier, Philip Area:Quebec Lines:Excerpt Added:04/16/2017

Province wants cash to implement new policing, prevention responsibilities

Show us the money. The Quebec government said Thursday it is disappointed in the federal government's long awaited plan to legalize recreational marijuana.

Not only is Ottawa's plan vague and full of holes, it off-loads a whole new series of responsibilities and problems - from the need for more policing to the creation of prevention programs - onto the provinces, said Public Health Minister Lucie Charlebois.

Worse, it fails to pledge the money to cover the enormous cost of applying the plan.

[continues 528 words]

67 CN QU: PUB LTE: Hazy Thinking On MarijuanaFri, 14 Apr 2017
Source:Montreal Gazette (CN QU) Author:Wilson, Alex Area:Quebec Lines:37 Added:04/16/2017

Re: "Trudeau's pot legalization a headache for Quebec" (Montreal Gazette, April 13)

Certain politicians seem not to be in touch with their constituents, or even reality, on the subject of marijuana legalization.

Some are saying legalizing pot would not reduce the effect of organized crime on this industry.

Are they for real?

If the federal government goes ahead with what's proposed and prices this product properly, the black market for pot will simply dry up.

It seems it's popular these days for politicians to say outlandish things so they can appear on TV instead of proposing reasonable ideas that are less sensationalistic.

Let's listen to our candidates - and vote them out of office when need be.

Alex Wilson, Montreal


68CN QU: Trudeauas Pot Legalization A Headache For QuebecThu, 13 Apr 2017
Source:Montreal Gazette (CN QU) Author:Authier, Philip Area:Quebec Lines:Excerpt Added:04/15/2017

Logistics are complicated, but province fears the social costs

The province will table its own legislation in response to Ottawa's plans to legalize recreational marijuana and is forming a common front with Ontario to draft an action plan to deal with the expected sweeping negative social consequences.

Emerging from a meeting of cabinet where the federal government's plan was analyzed at length, Public Health and Youth Protection Minister Lucie Charlebois said Quebec is moving rapidly to respond to deepening concerns - inside government and out - about the increased availability of pot.

[continues 1031 words]

69 CN QU: Editorial: Smoke 'Em If Ya Got 'EmWed, 12 Apr 2017
Source:Record, The (CN QU) Author:McDevitt, Mike Area:Quebec Lines:130 Added:04/14/2017

Tomorrow, the Liberal Government of Justin Trudeau is expected to fulfill one of its most well-publicised campaign promises and present its much anticipated legislation to legalize the possession and use of cannabis for recreational purposes. Why they couldn't wait another week until April 20 (420) is a question worth pondering, but then again, that might have required a sense of humour.

The history of drug prohibition in Canada goes back to the early 20th Century when authorities became concerned about the use of certain substances among Asian immigrant communities. Marijuana was added to the ever-increasing list of banned substances in the 1920s and once again, race was an integral component. Drug use became associated with decadence, jazz, racial mixing, and sexual license - all things designed to send shivers through middle-class society and its concept of propriety.

[continues 951 words]

70CN QU: Quebec Braces For Legal MarijuanaWed, 12 Apr 2017
Source:Montreal Gazette (CN QU) Author:Authier, Philip Area:Quebec Lines:Excerpt Added:04/13/2017

Federal, provincial governments could earn $675M in 2018: study

What we want is a rigorous legislative framework so we can protect the population and especially our youth.

Unhappy that it could become more of a problem than it's worth, the Quebec government is encouraging Ottawa to tread lightly and with caution with its plans to legalize marijuana.

On the other hand, a new C.D. Howe study shows the federal and provincial government could rake in huge revenues - $675 million in 2018 alone - as long as they don't get greedy on taxes and drive buyers to the black market.

[continues 658 words]

71 CN QU: Group Has High Expectations For Budding BizFri, 31 Mar 2017
Source:Eastern Door, The (CN QU) Author:Deer, Jessica Area:Quebec Lines:124 Added:04/04/2017

With the federal government expected to legalize recreational marijuana use by 2018, Indigenous people across Turtle Island are trying to stay one jump ahead of the competition.

The National Indigenous Medical Cannabis Association (NIMCA) was officially launched on Saturday in Tyendinaga, with the goal to promote and defend Indigenous peoples relationship with cannabis.

"We are not allowing the Canadian government to regulate the Indigenous medical cannabis industry. You know who is going to regulate that? Indians," said Brian Marquis, who was elected at the president of NIMCA's Ontario chapter.

[continues 806 words]

72CN QU: OPED: Tobacco Model Shouldn't Apply To CannabisFri, 31 Mar 2017
Source:Montreal Gazette (CN QU) Author:Solby, Marc Area:Quebec Lines:Excerpt Added:04/04/2017

Task force recommendations on marketing of marijuana are too restrictive, Marc Solby says.

Spring has sprung and along with crocus blooms, Canadians are eagerly awaiting the legislation to create and govern the recreational cannabis market. In April 2016, Health Minister Jane Philpott announced a deadline of spring 2017 to bring in legislation. That time is now.

We hope that the government is developing legislation that is bolder and more practical than the cautious and naive recommendations issued nearly four months ago by its task force looking at the issue. The task force, with its emphasis on law enforcement, failed to imagine and embrace a legal, recreational market. Instead, it chose an approach that is needlessly restricting and controlling. It seeks to create a market to sell cannabis, but wants to sell the least amount possible, essentially trying to suck and blow at the same time.

[continues 535 words]

73 CN QU: Candidates Hit Cannabis Plan In NDP DebateMon, 27 Mar 2017
Source:Globe and Mail (Canada)          Area:Quebec Lines:86 Added:03/31/2017

The Liberal government's plan to move ahead on marijuana legalization is up in smoke, NDP leadership candidates suggested during Sunday's leadership debate in Montreal while they also addressed a range of issues affecting youth including student debt and precarious work.

B.C. MP Peter Julian, one of four contenders in the race to replace Tom Mulcair as NDP leader, said the federal government has failed to keep its 2015 campaign pledge to legalize and regulate pot for recreational purposes.

[continues 493 words]

74 CN QU: Editorial: Taking The High RoadWed, 29 Mar 2017
Source:Record, The (CN QU) Author:McDevitt, Mike Area:Quebec Lines:126 Added:03/29/2017

A large number of Canadians let out a cough of relief this week as the Trudeau government announced that it will finally reveal its intentions with regard to legalization of the recreational use of marijuana within the next few weeks that will come into effect on July 1, 2018 (Cannabis Day?).

Although final details of the plan have yet to be released, informed sources are saying that the Bill will reflect the recommendations of a Parliamentary committee headed by former Toronto Police Chief Bill Blair and will allow (force?) provincial governments to set up the kind of regimes they want in order to comply with the law.

[continues 929 words]

75CN QU: Access To Pot Key For Clinical Trials: ResearcherWed, 15 Mar 2017
Source:Montreal Gazette (CN QU) Author:Greenaway, Kathryn Area:Quebec Lines:Excerpt Added:03/15/2017

Dr. Mark Ware has been studying the safe and effective use of medical marijuana for 16 years. His research is done at the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC). Last June, Ware was named vice-chair of the federal task force studying the recreational use of marijuana. So he has studied the subject of cannabis from both ends of the spectrum.

When told that a 40,000-square-foot medical marijuana production facility was poised to open in Pointe-Claire, he put on his research cap.

[continues 204 words]

76CN QU: School Settles Lawsuit Over Strip SearchMon, 20 Feb 2017
Source:Montreal Gazette (CN QU) Author:Canadienne, Presse Area:Quebec Lines:Excerpt Added:02/21/2017

The mother of a teenage girl who was subjected to a strip search at l'Ecole secondaire de Neufchatel has dropped a lawsuit requesting damages of $383,000 against the Quebec City school board and the school's administration.

A settlement was reached between the parties early this month, Le Soleil reports. The civil court case was scheduled to begin Feb. 20 before Judge Daniel Dumais of the Superior Court.

The girl's mother obtained the consent of the school board to drop the case without being subjected to any fees after two years and multiple judiciary procedures. The lawyers of both parties confirmed the settlement, but were unwilling to provide reasons.

[continues 65 words]

77CN QU: City Gets OK For Three Safe-Injection FacilitiesTue, 07 Feb 2017
Source:Montreal Gazette (CN QU) Author:Bruemmer, Rene Area:Quebec Lines:Excerpt Added:02/10/2017

Health Canada has given Montreal approval to open three supervised drug injection sites, making it only the second city in the country to have the facilities on its territory.

Canada's health ministry made the decision partly in an effort to stem the opioid overdose crisis racking British Columbia and several regions of the United States.

Montreal's public health authorities, drug counselling organizations and its mayor have been lobbying for the sites for years, arguing they save lives and reduce drug consumption in public spaces, making communities safer. They have been stymied by critics, including the previous Conservative government, who argued the sites would increase crime rates and promote drug use. The Liberal government of Justin Trudeau has voiced its support for the sites, and in December eased strict restrictions against opening them imposed by the previous administration.

[continues 621 words]

78 CN QU: Three Montreal Sites Approved For Supervised ConsumptionTue, 07 Feb 2017
Source:Globe and Mail (Canada) Author:Woo, Andrea Area:Quebec Lines:94 Added:02/10/2017

Health Canada has approved three supervised consumption sites for Montreal - the first federal approvals for the harm-reduction facilities outside of Vancouver as Ottawa presses forward in its response to Canada's overdose crisis.

Montreal has waited two years for federal sign-off on the sites, during which fatal overdoses linked to illicit fentanyl have surged in parts of Canada, notably British Columbia and Alberta. The federal department announced the approvals on Monday, noting that such sites have shown positive results in Canada and other countries.

[continues 525 words]

79CN QU: Physicians Spearhead Cannabis Clinical TrialSat, 21 Jan 2017
Source:Montreal Gazette (CN QU) Author:Curtis, Christopher Area:Quebec Lines:Excerpt Added:01/23/2017

Clinic involved in one-year study of marijuana in managing chronic pain

Gilles Richard doesn't harbour any illusions about his disease.

It has latched itself to his lungs, his bones and he fears it will eventually seep its way into his brain. Over time, he says, the sickness will prevail.

"I like to say I just want five good years," says Richard, a retired physicist. "But it could be three, it could be two . ... I won't take anything for granted."

[continues 1044 words]

80CN QU: Doctors Challenge Medicinal Pot ChainThu, 12 Jan 2017
Source:Montreal Gazette (CN QU) Author:Curtis, Christopher Area:Quebec Lines:Excerpt Added:01/12/2017

A new chain of Montreal-area medicinal marijuana clinics hasn't yet opened, but its methods are already being challenged by Quebec's college of physicians.

And while the man behind these clinics says he's complying with the rules outlined by Health Canada's medicinal cannabis program, he also admits that some of the doctors he works with are based out of province and will prescribe the drug via Skype teleconference.

This practice is illegal, according to the College des medecins du Quebec.

[continues 636 words]

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