Vogel, Ed 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1US NV: Proposed Rules For Medical Pot Draw ComplaintsWed, 09 Oct 2013
Source:Las Vegas Review-Journal (NV) Author:Vogel, Ed Area:Nevada Lines:Excerpt Added:10/11/2013

CARSON CITY - Proposed rules for Nevada's new medical marijuana program would discriminate against the poor and minorities and would make marijuana cost-prohibitive for patients who need the drug, witnesses testified Tuesday.

"This is an absolute injustice," said David Udy of Las Vegas during a Division of Public and Behavioral Health hearing on proposed regulations that put a new state law into effect. "This is going to be a disaster. This is an absolute injustice. I am skeptical about (the state's) ability to pull this off."

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2US NV: Noise Disrupts Marijuana HearingSat, 05 Oct 2013
Source:Las Vegas Review-Journal (NV) Author:Vogel, Ed Area:Nevada Lines:Excerpt Added:10/06/2013

Meetings Continue Next Week As State Seeks to Adopt Regulations

CARSON CITY - During a hearing dominated by technical problems Friday, the state began asking residents what they want in regulations for Nevada's new medical marijuana program.

At times witnesses giving their ideas could not be heard because of loud music and talking by others. Marla McDade-Williams, the deputy administrator of the Division of Public and Behavioral Health, pleaded for people to show more courtesy.

The hearing was teleconferenced between Las Vegas and Carson City, but dozens, if not hundreds, of people also listened in through telephone conference calls. One person put his speaker phone on hold, a step that led to the playing of his loud music. Other people just talked, unaware their voices could be heard.

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3US NV: Marijuana Vote In Silver State Years AwayThu, 01 Aug 2013
Source:Las Vegas Review-Journal (NV) Author:Vogel, Ed Area:Nevada Lines:Excerpt Added:08/02/2013

Funding Will Drive Bid for Vote to OK Recreational Use

CARSON CITY - Nevada tokers won't get a chance before the November 2016 election to join their friends in Colorado and Washington and vote to legalize the recreational use of marijuana by adults.

Mason Tvert, communications director for the Marijuana Policy Project in Denver, said the potential lack of campaign funds probably will prevent his organization from launching a petition drive to put a marijuana legalization ballot question before voters next year.

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4US NV: Sandoval Signs Bill Creating Regulated Pot DispensariesThu, 13 Jun 2013
Source:Las Vegas Review-Journal (NV) Author:Vogel, Ed Area:Nevada Lines:Excerpt Added:06/15/2013

Measure Allows State Tax Revenue From Grow Farms, Sales

CARSON CITY - Gov. Brian Sandoval signed into law Wednesday evening Sen. Tick Segerblom's bill to create state-regulated marijuana dispensaries and grow farms to provide pot to the state's 3,785 medical marijuana patients.

Sandoval's signing of Senate Bill 374 was in doubt because Tuesday he had expressed concern about the startup costs of the program, which in the long run may provide the state millions of dollars in tax revenue.

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5US NV: Marijuana Measure AdvancesThu, 30 May 2013
Source:Las Vegas Review-Journal (NV) Author:Vogel, Ed Area:Nevada Lines:Excerpt Added:06/03/2013

Bill Proposes Using State-Regulated Dispensaries, Grow Farms

CARSON CITY - The state Senate backed a bill Wednesday that would set up state-regulated medical marijuana dispensaries and grow farms across Nevada. The vote was 17-4. Under Senate Bill 374, as many as 40 pharmacy-like dispensaries could be created in Clark County, 10 in Washoe County and at least one in each rural county. State-regulated farms also would be created.

The bill, however, still must go through hearings and a vote in the Assembly before being sent to Gov. Brian Sandoval for his signature, and the Legislature adjourns at midnight Monday.

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6US NV: It's No Toke: Recreational Marijuana Bill DiesSat, 13 Apr 2013
Source:Las Vegas Review-Journal (NV) Author:Vogel, Ed Area:Nevada Lines:Excerpt Added:04/15/2013

Las Vegas Assemblyman Blames Governor for Demise

CARSON CITY - Sorry tokers. You won't be smoking legal marijuana anytime soon.

A bill to legalize marijuana for recreational purposes in Nevada has died.

A dejected Assemblyman Joe Hogan blamed Gov. Brian Sandoval on Friday for killing any hope of legislators passing his bill this session.

Hogan, D-Las Vegas, said Sandoval told legislative leaders he would veto Assembly Bill 402, his bill to legalize marijuana for people 21 and older.

As a result, the Assembly Judiciary Committee let the bill die without a vote Friday.

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7US NV: Marijuana Bill Attracts VoicesSat, 06 Apr 2013
Source:Las Vegas Review-Journal (NV) Author:Vogel, Ed Area:Nevada Lines:Excerpt Added:04/08/2013

Assemblyman Sees Economic Benefits to State While Police Officers Point to Dangers

CARSON CITY - In a sometimes contentious legislative hearing Friday, Las Vegas physician Stephen Frye called marijuana a wonder drug that helps stop cancer, does not impair driving and should be available for all adults to enjoy.

But a line of police officers disagreed with him and urged members of the Assembly Judiciary Committee to reject Assembly Bill 402.

The bill sought by Assemblyman Joe Hogan, D-Las Vegas, calls for legalizing marijuana for people 21 and older. Cosponsor Assemblyman Andrew Martin, D-Las Vegas, testified that legalizing pot could produce $470 million a year in tax revenue that would be earmarked for education spending.

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8US NV: Clergy Members Support Efforts To Legalize MarijuanaFri, 06 Oct 2006
Source:Ely Daily Times (NV) Author:Vogel, Ed Area:Nevada Lines:Excerpt Added:10/09/2006

CARSON CITY -- Sister Toni Woodson believes Nevada's marijuana laws encourage criminal activity.

The Roman Catholic nun, who lives in Henderson, would like to see those laws replaced with a system in which the state regulates sales of marijuana. Such a change would remove the drug from the criminal market and restrict sales to adults older than 21, she said.

"Marijuana should be categorized with alcohol and cigarettes, rather than with meth and horrible drugs," said Woodson, a member of the Community of the Holy Spirit. "Kids can get drugs today because the people who are selling them don't card. It is time for a change. I would like to see dealers removed from the street corners. I don't see people selling beer on the streets."

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9US NV: Nevada Gets an 'F' for Hiding Initiative SourcesThu, 25 Jul 2002
Source:Ely Daily Times (NV) Author:Vogel, Ed Area:Nevada Lines:Excerpt Added:07/26/2002

CARSON CITY -- A national organization has awarded the Nevada secretary of state's office an "F" grade for its failure to let the public know who is really behind ballot initiatives, including those to legalize marijuana and prohibit same-sex marriages.

The Ballot Initiative Strategy Center Foundation, a Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit group that counters right-ring influence on ballot measures, handed out poor grades today to Nevada and 16 other states where voters considered initiatives placed on the ballot by petitions. Four states, including California, received "A" or "B" grades. People can circulate petitions to put initiatives on ballots in 24 states.

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