Otieno, Beatrice 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 Kenya: You've Failed On Drug Abuse War, State ToldTue, 03 Aug 2004
Source:Daily Nation (Kenya) Author:Otieno, Beatrice Area:Kenya Lines:60 Added:08/04/2004


The Government was yesterday criticised for doing little to tackle drug abuse.

Instead, the Ministry of Health was frustrating efforts to check the vice, which is taking its toll, especially among young Kenyans, an official of the National Campaign Against Drug Abuse (Nacada) said.

Acting director Roseline Onyuka lamented that, despite a 1994 law mandating the ministry to establish rehabilitation centres for drug addicts, none had been built.

As a result, it had become almost impossible to rehabilitate those who wanted to give up the indulgence, she said.

[continues 258 words]

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