Calcino, Chris 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 Australia: Black Market Website Spruiks Local Cannabis PricesSat, 26 Mar 2016
Source:Coffs Coast Advocate (Australia) Author:Calcino, Chris Area:Australia Lines:50 Added:03/27/2016

THE average pot smoker in the Coffs-Clarence region spends $250 for an ounce of medium-quality marijuana or about $9 a gram when buying in bulk.

For what is ostensibly a wild-growing weed, that is some serious money weighing down the pockets of drug dealers.

The Coffs-Clarence figure comes from a website allowing users to submit their pot prices, which are then averaged out and published so crimson-eyed travellers know what they can expect.

Submissions have been tendered from towns all over the country.

[continues 176 words]

2 Australia: Stoner Ad Munches Up $350,000Fri, 19 Feb 2016
Source:Daily Examiner, The (Australia) Author:Calcino, Chris Area:Australia Lines:34 Added:02/21/2016

THE New South Wales Government's Stoner Sloth anti-marijuana campaign cost taxpayers $350,000 and 265 public servant work hours just to be internationally ridiculed.

Greens MP Mehreen Faruqi uncovered the details under a freedom of information request into the failed #StonerSloth social media campaign.

It set the government back $351,790, including $36,386 paid to advertising firm Saatchi and Saatchi.

The government spent $115,000 on research, including $64,000 for market research, $28,000 for a Sax Institute and University of NSW literature review on the effectiveness marijuana education campaigns and $23,000 for University of Technology Sydney research.

Production company 8Com took home $59,000 and $99,990 went to media agency Universal McCann.

Actors, including the hirsute star, were paid $28,000. According to, the government could have bought about 30kg of high-quality marijuana for the total amount.


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