Tsai, Catherine 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1US CO: Pastor Says He Bought Meth But Denies Gay SexSat, 04 Nov 2006
Source:Indianapolis Star (IN) Author:Tsai, Catherine Area:Colorado Lines:Excerpt Added:11/04/2006

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. -- The Rev. Ted Haggard said Friday that he bought methamphetamine and received a massage from a male prostitute.

But the influential Christian evangelist insisted he threw the drugs away and never had sex with the man. Haggard, who as president of the National Association of Evangelicals wielded influence on Capitol Hill and condemned both gay marriage and homosexuality, resigned Thursday after a Denver man named Mike Jones claimed he had many drug-fueled trysts with Haggard.

Friday, Haggard said he received a massage from Jones after being referred to him by a Denver hotel, and that he bought meth for himself from the man.

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2 US CO: Aloha, Police ChiefWed, 09 Feb 2000
Source:Gazette, The (CO) Author:Tsai, Catherine Area:Colorado Lines:52 Added:02/09/2000

Denver's top cop returns from Hawaii, leaves his job

DENVER - Police Chief Tom Sanchez is stepping down from his position after coming under fire for going to a police conference in Hawaii despite controversy surrounding his department.

Denver Mayor Wellington Webb announced Tuesday that the 30-year veteran of the department would retire effective Feb. 22.

Sanchez did not attend the news conference but he issued a statement wishing "nothing but the best" to his successor.

Webb said the retirement was a joint decision made that afternoon by himself, Sanchez and public safety manager Butch Montoya.

[continues 200 words]

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