Granite State News _NH_ 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2025
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1 US NH: The Ads Are Right; Kids Listen To ParentsThu, 12 Jun 2003
Source:Granite State News (NH) Author:McCLURE, Ann Area:New Hampshire Lines:177 Added:06/12/2003

WOLFEBORO - You've seen them on TV, the public service announcements, with a surly teenager urging parents to ask their kids where they are going and with whom. The tag line is "Parents, the anti-drug." Maybe at the end you've even scoffed and said, "Yeah, right."

The 70 people who attended "What Your Kids Know That You Don't the Teens' Turn to Speak" last Thursday in the Kingswood Regional High School auditorium heard that the ads are indeed right. The panel of seven girls and three boys stated repeatedly that parents need to set rules and provide a good example.

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2 US NH: Forum Addresses Substance Abuse Services In CountyThu, 25 Apr 2002
Source:Granite State News (NH) Author:Ferland, Mellisa Area:New Hampshire Lines:220 Added:04/28/2002

TAMWORTH -- A mixed group of social service workers, law enforcement personnel, healthcare professionals, alcoholics in recovery and others packed the function room at Sammy's Restaurant April 17 to send a message to Concord that our state is not doing enough to prevent and treat alcohol and drug abuse.

The forum was the last in a statewide tour of the Governor's Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention, Intervention and Treatment.

Originally, there was no scheduled Carroll County stop on the tour. Meeting facilitator Alice Bruning said Tamworth was added after several people called and requested the forum.

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