Kaupa, Clement 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 Papua New Guinea: Drug Abuse Cases Soar At HospitalTue, 27 Jun 2000
Source:National, The (New Guinea) Author:Kaupa, Clement Area:Papua New Guinea Lines:109 Added:06/27/2000

THE first case of a drug related mentally affected case admitted and treated at the Port Moresby General Hospital was in 1987.

According to medical records from the hospital, this was a "cannabis (marijuana) induced psychosis".

"Since then the number cases admitted to the mental ward in relation to drug use is frightening," Dr Uma Ambi Siva, principle advisor and consultant psychiatrist to the Mental Health Services, said.

"Four to five out of every 10 cases admitted every month are related to the abuse of drugs."

[continues 610 words]

2 New Guinea: 'Get High On Music, Not Drugs'Tue, 27 Jun 2000
Source:National, The (New Guinea) Author:Kaupa, Clement Area:New Guinea Lines:77 Added:06/27/2000

TURN On Music, Turn Off Drugs! That's the message from the new Rising Star Quality Sound Studio in conjunction with the National Narcotics Bureau.

Rising Star has joined a global campaign against the use of illicit drugs, and owner and executive producer Wari Vele has urged all young people throughout the Pacific to stop using drugs.

"Get out of drugs and get into music! You can get high on music without drugs," Mr Vele said.

"Music will have the same effect as drugs without harming you."

[continues 361 words]

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