Paull, Elijah 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 CN QU: PUB LTE: Some VictoryWed, 09 Jun 2010
Source:Montreal Gazette (CN QU) Author:Paull, Elijah Area:Quebec Lines:32 Added:06/09/2010

Re: "High traffic venues shut by police" (Gazette, June 4).

Cannabis prohibition is a disgrace to our country. Canada is spending billions on building more prisons to lock up non-violent drug offenders, money that would be much better spent on rehabilitation centres. The only thing prohibition does well is destroy families and fund organized crime.

Patients who need medical cannabis are not simply going to stop getting it just because the police have closed down the "compassion centres." They're going to get it from a dealer, who gets it from higher-ranking, more dangerous gangs who deal in cocaine, firearms, and human trafficking.

Way to go, prohibition - nice one.

Elijah Paull



2 CN QU: PUB LTE: Fair Play for Our 'Prince of Pot'Thu, 13 May 2010
Source:Montreal Gazette (CN QU) Author:Paull, Elijah Area:Quebec Lines:26 Added:05/13/2010

Canadian pot activist Marc Emery has been ordered extradited to the United States by Justice Minister Rob Nicholson for selling marijuana seeds to consenting adults there. It appalls me that our Conservative government can so readily hand over its law-abiding citizens - on whose business activity it has happily collected taxes for years - to a foreign country and penal system. I would bet that the Hell's Angels are not buying 10-seed packets over the Internet to run their grow-ops. Our government should be spending my tax dollars and its energy more wisely, and more importantly protecting its citizens.

Elijah Paull



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