Erstad, Will 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 US SD: Edu: Medical Cannabis Expected To PassWed, 27 Oct 2010
Source:Volante, The (U of SD, Edu SD) Author:Erstad, Will Area:South Dakota Lines:96 Added:10/28/2010

Medical marijuana is once again on the ballot for South Dakota voters after a narrow defeat in 2006; but this time community members think it's going to pass.

Initiative Measure 13, which would allow the use and cultivation of marijuana by people with debilitating illnesses such as cancer or multiple sclerosis, was placed on the ballot in March after more than 30,000 people signed a ballot petition.

Vermillion Police Chief Art Mabry, who also serves as the head of the South Dakota Police Chiefs' Association and is an opponent of the measure, said it is only a matter of time before medical marijuana becomes legal in South Dakota.

[continues 530 words]

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