The News-Herald _MI_ 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2025
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1 US MI: Schools Focus On Drug Policy ViolationsWed, 16 Nov 2005
Source:The News-Herald (MI) Author:Harrison-Martin, Jackie Area:Michigan Lines:118 Added:11/16/2005

About a year or so ago, a student in a Downriver school district decided she would help a fellow classmate who was having problems "focusing" in class by offering him her brother's prescription drugs.

She charged him $5 for two tiny pills generally used for patients under psychiatric care, and he took them.

But by the time he reached home, he lost more than his focus: He lost consciousness and his mother rushed him to the hospital.

A battery of tests was conducted before discovering what the boy had actually taken. He almost died, and the girl, a student at Huron High School, was expelled.

[continues 698 words]

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