Parker, Andrea 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 US CA: Passing The TestMon, 13 Mar 2000
Source:San Luis Obispo County Tribune (CA) Author:Parker, Andrea Area:California Lines:256 Added:03/13/2000

For Two County School Districts, Preventive Program Comes Up Positive

Since Shandon and Templeton middle schools and high schools began mandatory random drug testing of student athletes in the last two years, student attitudes have changed, school officials say.

Some have given up drug use, while a few have opted not to play sports.

And though the testing used to be discussed frequently, a few students said, it is no longer a major topic. "It was kind of a big deal because it's the first year, but now it's not," said Heather Eaton, a Templeton senior involved in student government and a volleyball and softball player. "I think it's worth it."

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