Torline, Monica 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1US OH: Choppers To Be Used To Detect Marijuana FieldsFri, 18 Jul 2003
Source:Marion Star, The (OH) Author:Torline, Monica Area:Ohio Lines:Excerpt Added:07/19/2003

MARION -- The price is going up for putting coppers in choppers looking for pot-growers.

The Ohio Attorney General entered into a contract with the Marion County Sheriff's Office for the use of the county's helicopters in the detection of marijuana fields. Unless both parties agree otherwise, the contract limits the state's usage of the aircraft to a maximum of 177 flight hours, or $48,750.

The state can use the Schewizer 300 helicopter for $275 per flight hour, and the Bell OH 58 Aircraft fetches $325 per flight hour. Last year, the Sheriff's Office charged $220 and $250, respectively.

[continues 271 words]

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