COUNCILLOR Andrew Feather's letter to "Mailbag" headed "Get tough on drugs" (February 29) was an extreme example of the reactionary and rightwards drift of the Conservative Party. He wants it made clear that the Conservatives are the party of imprisonment, xenophobia, homophobia and intolerance. They haven't won me over. LINDEN FARRER (ZeroZero magazine) [end]
PAT Molyneux's letter (Echo, September 14) is an epitome of an ignorant and knee-jerk reaction to 'drugs'. It is thanks to people like Pat that we have such a drug 'problem' in this country. Start learning about the truths about drugs. Cannabis is safer than all other drugs and is not physically addictive. I have all of the scientific evidence needed on my web site and have links to the largest drug libraries in the world. The conclusions of these sites - cannabis is the safest drug we know about. Linden Farrer ZeroZero Magazine Letchworth Herts UK [end]