Was Trudeau high when he said legalizing drugs was a good idea? I go to high school in Quebec and if alcohol and cigarettes are supposed to be so hard for teens to get then why are most teenage parties alcohol fuelled? Or why do most teens I know smoke and share cigarettes and marijuana? If Trudeau thinks regulating pot will keep it away from our youth then he's made a big mistake because nothing will change, let alone make it easier for youth to have access to these products. So I say keep it illegal. (In other words, he's smoking something.) [end]
Was Trudeau high when he said legalizing drugs was a good idea? I go to high school in Quebec and if alcohol and cigarettes are supposed to be so hard for teens to get then why are most teenage parties alcohol fuelled? Or why do most teens I know smoke and share cigarettes and marijuana? If Trudeau thinks regulating pot will keep it away from our youth then he's made a big mistake because nothing will change, let alone make it easier for youth to have access to these products. So I say keep it strictly illegal. Adam Brunet Val Des Monts, Qu [end]