Montel Williams has been the face of many things - host of a nationally syndicated television talk show and pitchman for prescription drug assistance products and a fruit-and-vegetable emulsifier. On Monday, Williams appeared in Sacramento to announce a partnership with a new enterprise, a medical marijuana dispensary. In a news conference at the newly renovated offices of the former Capital Wellness Center, Williams spoke about his own battle with multiple sclerosis and why he turned to marijuana to alleviate near-constant neurological pain. [continues 620 words]
With an over-$300,000 reduction in state funding for the Brazos Valley Council on Alcohol and Substance Abuse's alcohol and drug prevention programs, communities in Washington County may have to look to the schools to educate children about drugs and alcohol. BVCASA was forced to cut several of its drug prevention programs after only receiving $597,054 from the state this year, in contrast to almost $847,9044 last year. The organization has provided prevention, intervention and treatment services to Washington, Robertson, Madison, Leon, Grimes, Burleson and Brazos counties, and is the only provider of such services in the region. [continues 313 words]