Schoenberg, Shira 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 US NH: Marijuana Bridges DivisionsWed, 02 Mar 2011
Source:Concord Monitor (NH) Author:Schoenberg, Shira Area:New Hampshire Lines:174 Added:03/02/2011

Marijuana makes for strange bedfellows.

Liberal Democrats and libertarian-leaning Republicans are finding common cause in supporting a House bill that would legalize medical marijuana.

"This is a bill whose message has been heard loud and clear," said bill sponsor Rep. Evalyn Merrick, a Lancaster Democrat. "I sense we'll have a good deal of support on both sides of the aisle."

The Democratic-controlled Legislature passed a bill allowing medical marijuana in 2009, but Democratic Gov. John Lynch vetoed it. The House overrode the veto, but the Senate came up two votes short.

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