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101 Australia: Evidence Shows the War on Drugs Has Failed HumanityWed, 11 Mar 2015
Source:Sunshine Coast Daily (Australia) Author:Broer, Michael Area:Australia Lines:31 Added:03/12/2015

WHILE we light our candles in sorrow for our fellow Australians being executed for drug trafficking and while we stomp and rant about sporting heroes getting "let off" for their own forays into the world of illegal drugs, there are many loud opinions being voiced. However, what I am not hearing is the calling out about our own failed drug policies. Most people have been totally indoctrinated with the idea that drugs need to be illegal for our own safety. However, all the evidence shows that prohibition of drug use, the criminalising of addicts and the "zero tolerance" approach that is the war on drugs has failed humanity. Prohibition does not save lives, does nothing to help addicts and only serves the violent criminal gangs that profit from the lack of oversight and regulation that occurs as a natural consequence of making drugs illegal. Prohibition of drugs causes and compounds suffering. The whole notion that drugs need to be illegal is based on lies. When will those in power listen to the experts and the clear evidence they present?

MICHAEL BROER Maroochy River


102 Australia: Drug Sharks Circle CrownTue, 10 Mar 2015
Source:Herald Sun (Australia) Author:Buttler, Mark Area:Australia Lines:67 Added:03/11/2015

Losers preyed upon

RUTHLESS loan sharks are recruiting desperate Crown casino losers to babysit drug crops in Melbourne's suburbs.

Court records show how criminals are preying on out-of-luck punters to look after hydroponic cannabis setups worth millions.

Judges have expressed frustration at the number of cropsitters who say they ended up minding the houses after coercion by the lenders.

It has also emerged an Asian organised crime figure was paid a $5000 commission for each casino patron he could lure into acting as heroin mules on high-risk international runs out of Vietnam.

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103 Australia: Column: Drug Scourge Becoming All Too FamiliarMon, 09 Mar 2015
Source:Queensland Times, The (Australia) Author:Bennion, Brian Area:Australia Lines:44 Added:03/11/2015

WE ARE increasingly being confronted with the scourge of drugs on society.

The tragedy of talented actors and musicians that overdose generates a feeling of sad loss and shock as we look at a person who has achieved more success than most can imagine and are loved and we contemplate the waste of life.

The scandal of football heroes allegedly at the centre of a drugs syndicate leaves us with a feeling of betrayal as we as a society hoist these people up as mentors for our children.

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104 Australia: Drug Law Reformers Back Legalising Medical PotTue, 10 Mar 2015
Source:Canberra Times (Australia) Author:McIlroy, Tom Area:Australia Lines:74 Added:03/11/2015

Public hearings considering the use of marijuana for medical purposes will begin on Thursday, as a leading drug law reform advocacy group called for the ACT to become the first jurisdiction to establish a legal scheme.

A Legislative Assembly committee will hear evidence on the subject as part of its consideration of legislation introduced by Greens minister Shane Rattenbury, which would allow for the use of medical cannabis for the terminally and chronically ill to alleviate pain and symptoms.

In a submission to the inquiry, advocacy group Families and Friends for Drug Law Reform have called for the scheme to go ahead without a new clinical trial.

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105 Australia: Column: Time Has Come to Talk About Legalising DrugsThu, 05 Mar 2015
Source:Herald Sun (Australia) Author:McGuire, Eddie Area:Australia Lines:119 Added:03/04/2015

IT'S nearly three years since I used this literary real estate to provoke conversation on the decriminalisation of drugs. I didn't know then if it was an appropriate response. I still don't.

Watching convicted Australian drug smugglers Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran being driven off yesterday in armoured vehicles to be executed was one of the saddest things I've ever seen.

The talkback callers on Triple M's Hot Breakfast also made me think many things, none of which I had an answer for. Why should I care about a couple of greedy drug smugglers?

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106 Australia: Australia's Drug Scourge Growing, Crime Data ShowsSun, 01 Mar 2015
Source:Straits Times (Singapore) Author:Pearlman, Jonathan Area:Australia Lines:103 Added:03/01/2015

Drug Seizures and Arrests Hit Highest Levels in 2013; Spike in the Use of Ice

The imminent execution in Indonesia of two Australians caught there for trafficking drugs comes as Australia faces its own worsening narcotics problem. PHOTO: REUTERS Mr Suhandro Putro, representative of The Javanese Christian Church funeral home, says they usually receive orders for caskets when executions are carried out on Nusakambangan, an island off Java.

The extent of the problem can be seen from the Australian Crime Commission's most recent report on illegal drugs, released last April.

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107 Australia: OPED: Jokowi Spilling Blood Will Do Nothing toMon, 23 Feb 2015
Source:Mercury, The (Australia) Author:Barns, Greg Area:Australia Lines:112 Added:02/23/2015

Despite Prohibition and Tough Penalties, the World Is Losing the War on Drugs Writes Greg Barns

INDONESIA'S President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo leads a developing world country.

And like many developing world countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America illicit drugs are part of daily life.

Where President Jokowi differs from some developing world leaders is, he naively thinks imposing draconian penalties like the death penalty will send a message to those who grow, manufacture and sell drugs that they ought to avoid Indonesia.

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108 Australia: Column: Public Hysteria Betrays Irrational View ofSun, 22 Feb 2015
Source:Sun-Herald (Australia) Author:Rathbone, Clyde Area:Australia Lines:97 Added:02/23/2015

Karmichael Hunt is learning that the potency of an illicit drug scandal is likely to be far stronger than anything he has ingested. In the wake of the allegations against Hunt, a predictable hysteria has swept through the country. And while there is no doubt that Hunt is alleged to have done something extremely foolish, if so, his real crime is underestimating our society's deeply irrational attitude to certain substances.

Part of the problem is the catchall term: drugs. A drug is any substance that has a physiological effect when introduced into the body. Everything we ingest is, by definition, a drug. In terms of the effects they produce, it is time we accepted that all substances appear on a spectrum. Your favourite coffee or red wine is favoured precisely because of the altered states of consciousness it brings about. And any reasonable debate about drugs must be anchored to the specific effects they produce. We can demystify illicit drugs by paying attention to what they are and how they work.

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109 Australia: Police Vow To Win War On DrugsSun, 15 Feb 2015
Source:Herald Sun (Australia) Author:Jefferson, Andrew Area:Australia Lines:52 Added:02/15/2015

A VETERAN police inspector admits containing the drugs scourge in Richmond is an uphill battle, but one police remain determined to win.

Addicts have turned parts of Melbourne's biggest public housing estate into makeshift shooting galleries.

Inspector Bernie Edwards, due to finish a four-year spell as Yarra Police inspector in coming weeks, said the drug menace was an ongoing fight.

"People talk about adopting a zero-tolerance hardline approach, but that doesn't work," Insp Edwards said.

"You can't win by just putting people in jail. What you have to do is try and break that cycle of use."

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110 Australia: Inner City Zombie TownSun, 15 Feb 2015
Source:Herald Sun (Australia) Author:Jefferson, Andrew Area:Australia Lines:105 Added:02/15/2015

Shooting Gallery Not the Answer

A NEW push to set up a legal heroin-shooting gallery in one of Melbourne's most drug-affected suburbs - dubbed "zombie town" - has angered traders and residents.

They are tired of junkies littering Richmond's streets with discarded syringes.

But Yarra Council, the Yarra Drug and Health Forum, the Greens, the Australian Sex Party, and the Australian Medical Association are keen for the State Government to follow NSW's lead by sanctioning a six-month trial of a supervised injecting room.

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111 Australia: Drugged Student Crisis In SchoolsMon, 09 Feb 2015
Source:Daily Telegraph (Australia) Author:McDougall, Bruce Area:Australia Lines:68 Added:02/10/2015

THE number of students using or possessing drugs in NSW schools is at record levels.

On average 20 students are suspended each week after being busted with illicit drugs, with some principals calling it a "crisis".

Schools handed out 790 long suspensions for drug offences in 2013 - the highest number in almost a decade and more than double the number of suspensions in 2009.

For the two years 2012 and 2013, schools imposed 1539 long suspensions on students for offences involving suspected illicit substances, data collated by the NSW Department of Education and Communities shows. While much of the drug and alcohol use occurs outside school, some students have become seriously ill in class or in the playground and have had to be taken to hospital.

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112 Australia: Delays Of Trial May Cost Kids - DoctorMon, 09 Feb 2015
Source:Northern Star (Australia) Author:Broome, Hamish Area:Australia Lines:74 Added:02/10/2015

A MAVERICK Sydney doctor who sacrificed his career to treat epileptic kids with cannabis oil has warned the NSW Government's trial of medicinal cannabis will progress too slowly to save hundreds of sick children.

Andrew Katelaris was deregistered in 2005 for refusing to stop supplying cannabis oil to the families who had turned to cannabis in a last hope to treat their children.

He spoke to a packed Nimbin Town Hall at Saturday's medicinal cannabis workshop the second event in as many months.

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113 Australia: LTE: No Easy Fix In Drug WarTue, 03 Feb 2015
Source:Townsville Bulletin, The (Australia) Author:Harding, Valerie Area:Australia Lines:76 Added:02/04/2015

GRUMPY4810, referring to your text about law enforcement "bleating on that they had wiped out the drug trade in 1940 but 75 years on it's the same". Give the hardworking police their due, Grumpy dear.

Stone Age Man got a millennia headlong start when he discovered how to numb the fears and hardship of his/ her life, by brewing beer and the habit has stuck.

When they finally migrated to the Euphrates Valley they cultivated grapes and now wine is big business and so are his fears and hardships.

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114 Australia: 'Medicinal Cannabis Use Should Be Approved Now'Mon, 02 Feb 2015
Source:Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) Author:Robertson, James Area:Australia Lines:40 Added:02/02/2015

The NSW government's clinical trial of medicinal cannabis is inappropriate for patients suffering extreme pain, and the drug should be legally approved for patients diagnosed by doctors, a paper in a top medical journal argues.

"We are behind the times on medical cannabis," writes David Penington, an emeritus professor at Melbourne University, in a paper in the Medical Journal of Australia on Sunday.

"Twenty three states in the US have legalised use of cannabis for medical conditions, as has Canada since 2001. Other countries approving it include Israel, Holland and the Czech Republic."

[continues 132 words]

115 Australia: Expert Proposes Legal Cannabis For The IllMon, 02 Feb 2015
Source:Herald Sun (Australia) Author:O'Connell, Brigid Area:Australia Lines:43 Added:02/02/2015

TERMINALLY and chronically ill Victorians could legally grow their own cannabis plants and get early access to the drug, under an ambitious plan by a top drug expert.

The use of cannabis for medical purposes should be decided by a discussion between a patient and doctor, rather than relying on the results of an upcoming trial into the drug's effectiveness held across the eastern states, says the University of Melbourne's Professor David Penington.

Writing in the Medical Journal of Australia today, Prof Penington said even if the trial proved the drug as effective, cannabis could never be regulated as a pharmaceutical product like other medications for prescription. "It contains a variety of components of variable potency and actions ... consequently, cannabis has variable effects in individuals," Prof Penington said.

[continues 113 words]

116 Australia: Inmates Getting Wasted On DrugsSat, 31 Jan 2015
Source:Courier-Mail, The (Australia) Author:Chamberlin, Thomas Area:Australia Lines:66 Added:01/31/2015

PRISONERS are getting high behind bars with almost every drug, including heroin, cocaine and marijuana, found in more than 2000 drug incidents across the state's jails.

Inmates were caught with drugs and utensils more than 670 times a year for the past three years, with the state's largest jails showing the worst results. Prisoners were also busted with alcohol, brewing implements, "smoking devices" and drug test decoys in the centres, documents obtained under Right to Information show.

Drug tests, both random and targeted, showed hundreds of prisoners were getting wasted on drugs, while hundreds more refused to give urine samples.

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117 Australia: Move On Medical CannabisFri, 30 Jan 2015
Source:Herald Sun (Australia) Author:Hamblin, Andrea Area:Australia Lines:36 Added:01/31/2015

ONE of Australia's top lawyers will lead a review into the use of medical marijuana.

The appointment signals good news for patients and families who say they need a sign they can be confident the State Government is doing all it can to change the law.

Attorney-General Martin Pakula has appointed leading lawyer Dr Ian Freckelton, QC, as Special Commissioner to the Victorian Law Reform Commission's review into the use of medicinal cannabis.

"This is an important step in investigating the legal practicalities in making medical marijuana available to help people in dire need," Mr Pakula said.

[continues 60 words]

118 Australia: Hemp In Food Off The Menu In AustraliaSat, 31 Jan 2015
Source:Age, The (Australia) Author:Harrison, Dan Area:Australia Lines:41 Added:01/31/2015

Food ministers have rejected advice from Australia's food standards agency that hemp be allowed to be used in food.

Hemp is a species of cannabis, but unlike marijuana contains no or very low levels of the mind- altering chemical tetrahydrocannabinol ( THC).

It is used in Australia in clothing and building products, but cannot be used in food.

In 2012, Food Standards Australia New Zealand approved an application to include hemp in food. Food ministers asked the agency to review its decision, which the agency reaffirmed, noting that foods derived from hemp seeds did not present any safety concerns.

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119 Australia: OPED: Why We Need A Drug SummitSun, 25 Jan 2015
Source:Age, The (Australia) Author:Lloyd, Edwina Area:Australia Lines:124 Added:01/26/2015

NSW has been hit by an ice-berg. Rates of ice use and detection are crashing through the roof and have now reached pandemic proportions. Experts have compared the crisis to the crack cocaine scourge that hit the United States in the 1980s.

It's a problem that's careering out of control, and the Liberal State Government doesn't have a clue what to do about it.

Trust me, I know -- because I've seen this crisis first-hand.

As a criminal lawyer (who mostly deals with legal aid clients) much of my work involves defending people who are struggling with drug addiction and/or mental health issues.

[continues 710 words]

120 Australia: Lawyer Compares Case To Origin Star But Bail StillMon, 12 Jan 2015
Source:Fraser Coast Chronicle (Australia) Author:Walker, Carlie Area:Australia Lines:60 Added:01/11/2015

HIS lawyer made every effort to keep him from spending time behind bars, even likening the case to drug trafficking charges faced by a former Queensland Origin star, but ultimately [name redacted], 19, was denied bail.

Defence lawyer Travis George represented [name redacted] in Maryborough Magistrates Court and told magistrate John Smith his client was "crapping himself" at the prospect of spending time in jail.

"He's never been in prison before," Mr George said.

"He's just had 24 hours straight in the watchhouse. He's petrified of going to jail."

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