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1 UK: Mother Of Ecstasy Victim Had Warned Daughter Of DangersTue, 08 Jul 2008
Source:Irish News, The (UK) Author:Canning, Margaret Area:United Kingdom Lines:78 Added:07/10/2008

THE mother of a schoolgirl who died after taking ecstasy has described how they often discussed the dangers of taking drugs.

Tricia McVeigh and her husband Stephen initially refused to allow Aishling (15), their second child, to go to Co Donegal with a group of other teenagers for a July break last year.

The lively teenager from west Belfast was brimming with excitement at being away for a week on her own.

"It was a running battle from about early May when her friend asked her to go," Mrs McVeigh recalled yesterday in her living room, surrounded with pictures of the teen.

[continues 377 words]

2 CN AB: Column: Well, Well, Well - Progress On Road SafetyThu, 10 Jul 2008
Source:Vue Weekly (CN AB) Author:Howard, Connie Area:Alberta Lines:89 Added:07/10/2008

Our government has been busy ramping up its health and safety efforts in recent months, proposing changes to food and drug safety laws (now thankfully on pause), and passing new impaired-driving laws.

I'm all for successfully keeping those who still think it's OK to drive drunk off the road, but I'm not sure the new wider net that has been cast will be strong enough to stand up in court, big enough to fully address impaired driving or porous enough to avoid being a catch-all for things not relevant.

[continues 655 words]

3 US CA: County Alters Med Marijuana RestrictionsThu, 10 Jul 2008
Source:Daily Triplicate, The (Crescent City, CA) Author:Grube, Nicholas Area:California Lines:70 Added:07/10/2008

The Del Norte County Board of Supervisors clouded the issue of what is reasonable and excessive Tuesday when it decided to lift its medical marijuana possession and cultivation guidelines.

By removing limits on the number of plants a medical marijuana patient or caregiver can grow and the amount of processed marijuana they can possess, the supervisors put the burden of determining how much is too much on law enforcement, patients and their doctors.

Supervisor Leslie McNamer was the only one to vote against the new ordinance, and said after the meeting that she made that decision because she considers it a "medical issue" that should not be up to politicians or police.

[continues 334 words]

4 US CA: LTE: In Defense Of The Marijuana BustsThu, 10 Jul 2008
Source:Sacramento Bee (CA) Author:Taylor, Gordon Area:California Lines:48 Added:07/10/2008

Re "As fires rage, the law protects us from marijuana," July 1: Peter Schrag's commentary on marijuana is short-sighted on many levels. For example, he suggests that law-enforcement agencies disregard large-scale marijuana cultivation because he doesn't perceive the imminent danger to our communities. Unfortunately, Mr. Schrag hasn't followed the news for the past two years.

Specifically, heavily armed drug gangs are invading California's once pristine forest land and stripping away the lush vegetation to clear space for marijuana cultivation. In turn, sophisticated crime syndicates are creating indoor marijuana factories in nearby, quiet residential neighborhoods, dumping toxic fertilizers and assorted chemicals into the otherwise clean community water systems.

[continues 115 words]

5 CN ON: Prosecutor Cracking Down On Teen Drug UseWed, 09 Jul 2008
Source:Simcoe Reformer, The (CN ON) Author:Pearce, Daniel Area:Ontario Lines:51 Added:07/10/2008

Norfolk's federal prosecutor says his office is cracking down on drug use in high schools and is foregoing the "diversion" program normally offered to young people for minor possession charges.

"We want youth to know that if they bring drugs to school, there are serious consequences to it," Jamie Pereira, who prosecutes drug offences in the area, told the Reformer.

"We're looking for (guilty) pleas."

Minors charged with lesser offences are often "diverted" from the justice system by being given a combination of community service and counseling while criminal charges against them are stayed.

[continues 181 words]

6 CN ON: Residents Honoured For Fighting Grow-OpsWed, 09 Jul 2008
Source:Niagara This Week (CN ON) Author:Forsyth, Paul Area:Ontario Lines:68 Added:07/10/2008

Two Niagara residents have been singled out by the Ontario Fire Marshal for their efforts to stamp out illegal marijuana growing operations in Niagara, which officials say pose a potentially deadly threat.

Joe Adams of St. Catharines and Leo Mercier of Niagara Falls were both presented with a Fire Safety Advocate Award from Fire Marshal Patrick Burke for their grow-op work. Burke, former fire chief for Niagara Falls, made fighting grow-ops a high priority in his time as fire chief.

[continues 358 words]

7 Canada: Medical Marijuana Crusader Wants to Revisit CanadaWed, 09 Jul 2008
Source:Globe and Mail (Canada)          Area:Canada Lines:26 Added:07/10/2008

Vancouver -- U.S. medical pot crusader Steve Kubby says he has fond memories of Canada after spending years trying to claim refugee status here. And Mr. Kubby said he'd like to return north of the border for a visit now that a drug conviction he so fervently fought has been expunged from his record. Mr. Kubby served 40 days in a California prison in 2006 out of a 120-day jail sentence on a drug-possession charge.

He had fought unsuccessfully for years to stay in Canada, saying he would be deprived of the marijuana he needs to keep a rare form of adrenal cancer in check.

A Canadian Immigration Refugee Board adjudicator rejected his claim.


8 US: Abuses Are Found in Online Sales of MedicationWed, 09 Jul 2008
Source:Gainesville Sun, The (FL)          Area:United States Lines:123 Added:07/10/2008

A large majority of 365 Internet sites that advertise or sell controlled medications by mail are offering to supply the drugs without a proper prescription, according to a new study. The online trade is stoking the rising abuse of addictive and dangerous prescription drugs, the authors and federal officials say.

Drugs offered online include generic versions of opiates like OxyContin, methadone and Vicodin, which are legitimately prescribed as painkillers; benzodiazepines like Xanax and Valium, which are prescribed for anxiety; and stimulants like Ritalin.

[continues 809 words]

9 CN BC: LTE: Insite Status Quo Feeds 'Living Dead'Wed, 09 Jul 2008
Source:Vancouver Courier (CN BC) Author:Meta, Ruth Area:British Columbia Lines:67 Added:07/10/2008

To the editor:

Re: "Health Minister cites VPD cop in Insite attack," June 27.

As a former resident, parent and non-profit organizer in Strathcona, it's time to speak my feelings regarding Insite, which I'm sure will not be popular.

If it is true that addictions are an illness and treated as such and if it is true that "supervised" injection sites are part of "harm reduction," then Insite belongs in a medical facility and needs to be part of the process of recovery.

[continues 374 words]

10 CN BC: Healthy Communities Group Ready To Post Anti-Drug SignTue, 08 Jul 2008
Source:Queen Charlotte Observer (CN BC) Author:Parke, Beryl Area:British Columbia Lines:57 Added:07/10/2008

Haida Gwaii Healthy Communities Society, Beryl Parke, Arnie Bellis and Brett Johnson have donated the money to have the first anti-drug campaign sign made to go up in Greater Massett Area. The sign reads: Haida Gwaii - Graham Island Community; Drug Free Zone, Just Say No, Drug Free is the Way to Be, Get High on Life - Not on Drugs, Up With Hope - Down With Dope.

The purpose of the sign is to continue to bring awareness to the citizens of Greater Massett Area. The sponsors for the sign and the anti-drug campaign for the Masset area are aware that all the anti-drug campaigns across North America have shown greater successes with signs with catchy slogans. Children and adults remember the slogans and the message is imprinted on their minds - and they continue to spread the message to other citizens.

[continues 298 words]

11 UK: Death Toll Of Lethal DrugTue, 08 Jul 2008
Source:Irish News, The (UK) Author:Graham, Seanin Area:United Kingdom Lines:53 Added:07/10/2008

AT least four people in Northern Ireland have died after taking ecstasy in the last year.

Gordon Neil (26), from Armagh, died after taking four ecstasy tablets at a house party last October.

A day earlier Ballykelly teenager Danielle Gibbens suffered a fatal heart attack that was linked to the Class A drug.

Two people in their twenties from the Belfast area have also died.

Ecstasy, officially known by its chemical abbreviation MDMA, produces both stimulant and hallucinogenic effects.

The drug can bring its users feelings of extreme euphoria and physical pleasure.

[continues 166 words]

12 CN AB: Prime Time For Dope CropsThu, 10 Jul 2008
Source:Edmonton Sun (CN AB) Author:McDougall, Ian Area:Alberta Lines:59 Added:07/10/2008

RCMP Asks Public To Be On The Lookout For Marijuana Grow-Ops

It's northern Alberta's peak growing season, and the RCMP are asking the public to keep their eyes peeled for a particularly lucrative, and illegal, crop.

This is a key season for outdoor marijuana growops, whose cultivators prefer remote and hidden locations, said RCMP Staff Sgt. Ian Sanderson with K-Division.

"This is the time of year they're going to be tending their crops, and checking their fields."

[continues 229 words]

13 CN ON: Fertilizer Scare During Drug RaidWed, 09 Jul 2008
Source:Ottawa Sun (CN ON) Author:Johnston, Beth Area:Ontario Lines:31 Added:07/10/2008

Two Ottawa police tactical officers were taken to hospital with skin burns and irritation yesterday after they rubbed up against fertilizer during a bust at a suspected marijuana grow operation in a rural west-end home.

Police executed a warrant at 1867 Century Rd. W. at around 11 a.m.

When the two officers' skin started burning and stinging, their colleagues called in the fire department's hazardous materials team.

The hazmat team determined fertilizer caused the skin irritation. As a precaution, all of the officers on the scene were decontaminated.

Hazmat spent several hours cleaning up the scene while drug investigators executed the warrant.

Police didn't disclose the amount of drugs seized.


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