Michigan Daily _MI Edu_ 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 US MI: Cocaine Use Quiet, Low Within 'U' CommunityFri, 20 Sep 200278
2 Canada: Windsor Government Hopes To Legalize The Use Of MarijuanaTue, 10 Sep 200268
3 US MI: Edu: New Study Shows Pot Smoking Is DamagingThu, 07 Mar 200272
4 US MI: Editorial: Decriminalize Marijuana, United States MustTue, 30 Oct 200162
5 US MI: Just Say Yes - Legalizing Marijuana Would Benefit ManyMon, 18 Jun 200178
6 US MI: Annual Hash Bash Attracts 6,000 AttendeesTue, 10 Apr 200192

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