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101 CN QU: Edu: The Highs And Lows Of LegalizationTue, 15 Mar 2016
Source:Concordian, The (CN QU Edu) Author:Stein, Jessie Area:Quebec Lines:121 Added:03/16/2016

Gonzo Nieto and the Canadian Students for Sensible Drug Policy Aim to Change Global Drug Policy

"I experienced my own death," said Gonzo Nieto.

It was the summer before he was leaving for university. Taking his parents car and picking up a few friends, they went to the local head shop and bought a bong, a torch flame lighter and a bag of Salvia.

Salvia Divinorum, is a plant that when smoked leaves a person in a haze of hallucinations. It's often the choice for people experimenting because until recently, it was been legal to buy from head shops.

[continues 857 words]

102 CN QU: Edu: Column: The Colour Of PotMon, 22 Feb 2016
Source:McGill Daily, The (CN QU Edu) Author:Xu, Laura Area:Quebec Lines:126 Added:02/24/2016

Racism and Ignorance Are Behind Illicit Drug Prohibition

The federal Liberal government's campaign pledge to legalize marijuana has come under scrutiny as the long-standing debate over drug prohibition continues. The focus of this debate is often on avoiding usage among youth, or on the health and social effects of cannabis. What is often overlooked is the racist roots of laws that prohibit the use of marijuana and other illicit drugs, which continue to disproportionately target poor people of colour both in Canada and the U.S..

[continues 926 words]

103 CN QU: Edu: Marketing Marijuana As MedicineTue, 09 Feb 2016
Source:Concordian, The (CN QU Edu) Author:Craig, Savanna Area:Quebec Lines:140 Added:02/12/2016

Cannabis can be used to treat more than 40 different medical conditions

Montreal's first medical cannabis clinic, which opened in 2014 at its location on Amherst Street, provides a clean, modern environment where patients can get prescriptions and support in moving away from pharmaceutical drugs. Two glass cases stand in the window, showing off a variety of vaporizers of all shapes and sizes.

Medical marijuana is expected to impact the future of health and affect pharmaceutical companies.

Sante Cannabis does not directly distribute cannabis to patients, but has nine part-time physicians to assess patients on their eligibility to receive a medical marijuana prescription.

[continues 863 words]

104 CN QU: Edu: PUB LTE: Cannabis Prohibition Is A FarceMon, 08 Feb 2016
Source:Link, The (CN QU Edu) Author:White, Stan Area:Quebec Lines:34 Added:02/09/2016

Dear Editors of The Link,

Gonzo Nieto got an arrow-splitting bullseye ("Rules To Roll By" volume 36, issue 19), discussing the future rules regarding cannabis.

Actually, it amounts to simply changing the rules from regulations stemming from the black market to government regulations because either way cannabis is cultivated, sold and being used by responsible adults across North America, like it has been for decades.

The level of contempt citizens have for cannabis prohibition demands the end of the farce.

At the very minimum, until government creates their regulations, they should put a moratorium on caging responsible adults who choose to use the relatively safe, extremely popular God-given plant.


Stan White, Dillon, Colorado


105 CN QU: Edu: Student Group Tackles Misconceptions SurroundingTue, 02 Feb 2016
Source:McGill Tribune (CN QU Edu) Author:Rautionmaa, Sofia Area:Quebec Lines:92 Added:02/04/2016

Focuses on addiction and economic impacts

On Jan. 27, students discussed cannabis legalization at an open forum held at the Yellow Door, led by the McGill chapter of the Canadian Students for Sensible Drug Policy (CSSDP). Their goal as an organization, according to their website, is to discuss the negative impacts of drug policies on individuals and communities.

The forum began with a video showing an interview with two professors from McGill University, Dr. Mark Ware, a director of clinical research at McGill University Health Centre and Dr. Ken Lester, a professor of Finance in the Desautels Faculty of Management. Ware started the video by disproving the widely held assumption that the effects of cannabis are worse than tobacco.

[continues 543 words]

106 CN QU: Edu: Column: Rules To Roll ByTue, 02 Feb 2016
Source:Link, The (CN QU Edu) Author:Nieto, Gonzo Area:Quebec Lines:100 Added:02/03/2016

A Speculative Look at a Canadian Cannabis Policy

With a federal government elected on a platform of legalizing cannabis, Canada stands to set an example on the international stage by being the first G7 country to fully regulate the production, sale and possession of a plant that has been at the heart of so much controversy-frankly, it's about time.

That a government could get elected with this mandate is cause for hope and cautious celebration, but many questions remain open, and the way our policymakers navigate them will determine whether we set an example for other countries to follow, or if we botch the whole thing.

[continues 575 words]

107CN QU: OPED: Legalizing Marijuana Might Make Sense;Thu, 21 Jan 2016
Source:Montreal Gazette (CN QU) Author:Richard, Kevin Area:Quebec Lines:Excerpt Added:01/22/2016

Justin Trudeau should be setting the right tone for young Canadians, Kevin Richard says.

A little over a decade ago a wandering federal government stuck its finger to the wind to see what would carry them back to power in the next election. It openly dithered with the idea of decriminalizing marijuana only to make a half-hearted attempt that was doomed to fail. As a result of this irresponsible attempt to gain popular favour, police officers commonly encountered confused young people who believed that decriminalization was all but a done deal. Unfortunately, many of them now have criminal records.

[continues 562 words]

108CN QU: Column: Detox Centres Are Tangible Victims Of AusterityTue, 19 Jan 2016
Source:Montreal Gazette (CN QU) Author:Boshra, Basem Area:Quebec Lines:Excerpt Added:01/21/2016

Since being voted into power in the spring of 2014, the Quebec Liberal government has been zealously deploying polarizing "austerity" measures, chopping services to the public in a tunnel-visioned pursuit of its political Holy Grail: a balanced budget.

Significant cutbacks to health and education in particular, and the detrimental impact they have had on both the Quebecers who use these services and those who deliver them, have quickly become a consequential part of the public discourse in the province, with few of us remaining unaffected, directly or indirectly, by this new regime.

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109 CN QU: Editorial: Government Should Not Endorse Or BelittleWed, 20 Jan 2016
Source:Record, The (CN QU) Author:Richard, Kevin Area:Quebec Lines:81 Added:01/21/2016

Dear Prime Minister Trudeau,

A little over a decade ago a wandering federal government stuck its finger to the wind to see what would carry them back to power in the next election. It openly dithered with the idea of decriminalizing marijuana only to make a halfhearted attempt that was doomed to fail. As a result of this irresponsible attempt to gain popular favour, police officers commonly encountered confused young people who believed that decriminalization was all but a done deal. Unfortunately, many of them now have criminal records. Considering, therefore, the still-present legal implications of its use, and considering the ever-present health implications of its abuse, I ask, sir, that your government tread carefully so as not to make light of what is a serious issue.

[continues 511 words]

110 CN QU: PUB LTE: How Marijuana Will Be SoldThu, 24 Dec 2015
Source:Montreal Gazette (CN QU) Author:Sargent, Ivor Area:Quebec Lines:48 Added:12/25/2015

Marijuana is a cash crop with gigantic profit margins that are made possible only by prohibition laws.

Canadian consumers will be the victims of pricegouging if the legalization of marijuana does not allow a free open market that allows private enterprise to compete in the establishment of a fairmarket value for the herb, yet the government is not even contemplating the establishment of an open market and has restricted production of marijuana to a big-business model.

Government policy objectives are said to focus on preventing access to pot by minors, by restricting marijuana production to a few "big business" producers and by restricting sale and distribution to provincial liquor board monopolies. Such policy will do nothing to eliminate the black market, which is the source of the marijuana that is sold to minors by teenage drug dealers. Note that there are no teenage "drug dealers" selling corner-store tobacco to minors.

[continues 122 words]

111 CN QU: PUB LTE: How To Get Canada Out Of DebtWed, 09 Dec 2015
Source:Montreal Gazette (CN QU) Author:Rabinovitch, Joe Area:Quebec Lines:27 Added:12/10/2015

Re: "Those middle-class tax cuts are going to cost an extra 1.2 billion a year" (John Ivison, Dec. 9)

The Liberal government better fast-track the legalization of marijuana. The taxes generated will certainly be sufficient to cover any future deficits.

The more you smoke, the more the middle class will benefit by the taxes generated.

Smoke on and get Canada out of its debt!

Joe Rabinovitch, Westmount


112 CN QU: Safe-Injection Advocates OptimisticMon, 16 Nov 2015
Source:Northumberland Today (CN ON) Author:Valiante, Giuseppe Area:Quebec Lines:113 Added:11/18/2015

Activists in Quebec expect new federal government to approve plans

MONTREAL - Quebec healthcare workers and politicians say they expect the new federal government to approve their application for supervised, illicit-drug injection sites in Montreal, which will make the city the second in Canada to host the controversial harm-reduction program.

But some are warning the strict law passed before the Conservatives left office will mean potential injection site operators will have to navigate a complicated legal maze aimed at preventing these sites from opening.

[continues 619 words]

113 CN QU: Health Workers Expect Injection-Site ApprovalMon, 16 Nov 2015
Source:Lethbridge Herald (CN AB) Author:Valiante, Giuseppe Area:Quebec Lines:65 Added:11/18/2015

Advocates of Quebec sites expect approval from Liberals

Quebec health care workers and politicians say they expect the new federal government to approve their application for supervised, illicit drug injection sites in Montreal, which will make the city the second in Canada to host the controversial harm-reduction program.

But some are warning the strict law passed before the Conservatives left office will mean potential injection site operators will have to navigate a complicated legal maze aimed at preventing these sites from opening.

[continues 290 words]

114CN QU: Police Arrest One Of Their Own On Drug Trafficking ChargeFri, 13 Nov 2015
Source:Montreal Gazette (CN QU) Author:Gyulai, Linda Area:Quebec Lines:Excerpt Added:11/18/2015

A Montreal police officer, who was charged on Thursday with drug trafficking and other criminal offences, will face a judge on Friday to seek bail.

The Montreal Police Department suspended Philippe Bonenfant, a patrol officer with downtown Station 21 with six years' service, without pay after he was charged at the Montreal courthouse, said Cmdr. Khanh Du Dinh, who handles community relations for the Montreal police.

Bonenfant faces charges of trafficking ecstasy and speed, counselling someone to commit a criminal act, possession of a prohibited weapon, which in this case is a pair of brass knuckles, and fraudulent use of a computer, Dinh said. The latter charge concerns the use of the Quebec police information centre, a database housing information for use only in the course of police work, he said.

[continues 221 words]

115 CN QU: Safe-Injection Advocates OptimisticMon, 16 Nov 2015
Source:Sudbury Star (CN ON) Author:Valiante, Giuseppe Area:Quebec Lines:110 Added:11/17/2015

Activists in Quebec Expect New Federal Government to Approve Plans

MONTREAL - Quebec healthcare workers and politicians say they expect the new federal government to approve their application for supervised, illicit-drug injection sites in Montreal, which will make the city the second in Canada to host the controversial harm-reduction program.

But some are warning the strict law passed before the Conservatives left office will mean potential injection site operators will have to navigate a complicated legal maze aimed at preventing these sites from opening.

[continues 620 words]

116 CN QU: Safe-Injection Advocates OptimisticMon, 16 Nov 2015
Source:Northern News (CN ON) Author:Valiante, Giuseppe Area:Quebec Lines:110 Added:11/17/2015

Activists in Quebec Expect New Federal Government to Approve Plans

MONTREAL - Quebec healthcare workers and politicians say they expect the new federal government to approve their application for supervised, illicit-drug injection sites in Montreal, which will make the city the second in Canada to host the controversial harm-reduction program.

But some are warning the strict law passed before the Conservatives left office will mean potential injection site operators will have to navigate a complicated legal maze aimed at preventing these sites from opening.

[continues 620 words]

117 CN QU: Safe-Injection Advocates OptimisticMon, 16 Nov 2015
Source:Daily Press, The (CN ON) Author:Valiante, Giuseppe Area:Quebec Lines:108 Added:11/17/2015

MONTREAL - Quebec healthcare workers and politicians say they expect the new federal government to approve their application for supervised, illicit-drug injection sites in Montreal, which will make the city the second in Canada to host the controversial harm-reduction program.

But some are warning the strict law passed before the Conservatives left office will mean potential injection site operators will have to navigate a complicated legal maze aimed at preventing these sites from opening.

The chairman of the health centre expected to house Montreal's first legal injection site said he has "no doubt" the new Liberal health minister will approve the application after months of what he calls Conservative "stalling."

[continues 584 words]

118CN QU: Montreal Safe Drug Injection Site Closes In On FederalMon, 16 Nov 2015
Source:Vancouver Sun (CN BC) Author:Valiante, Giuseppe Area:Quebec Lines:Excerpt Added:11/17/2015

MONTREAL - Quebec health care workers and politicians say they expect the new federal government to approve their application for supervised, illicit drug injection sites in Montreal, which will make the city the second in Canada to host the controversial harm-reduction program.

But some are warning the strict law passed before the Conservatives left office will mean potential injection site operators will have to navigate a complicated legal maze aimed at preventing these sites from opening.

The chairman of the health centre expected to house Montreal's first legal injection site said he has "no doubt" the new Liberal health minister will approve the application after months of what he calls Conservative "stalling."

[continues 328 words]

119 CN QU: Safe-Injection Advocates OptimisticMon, 16 Nov 2015
Source:Tribune, The (CN ON) Author:Valiante, Giuseppe Area:Quebec Lines:110 Added:11/17/2015

Health: Activists in Quebec Expect New Federal Government to Approve Plans

MONTREAL - Quebec healthcare workers and politicians say they expect the new federal government to approve their application for supervised, illicit-drug injection sites in Montreal, which will make the city the second in Canada to host the controversial harm-reduction program.

But some are warning the strict law passed before the Conservatives left office will mean potential injection site operators will have to navigate a complicated legal maze aimed at preventing these sites from opening.

[continues 620 words]

120CN QU: Advocates For Safe-injection Sites Expect LiberalMon, 16 Nov 2015
Source:Montreal Gazette (CN QU) Author:Valiante, Giuseppe Area:Quebec Lines:Excerpt Added:11/16/2015

Quebec health care workers and politicians say they expect the new federal government to approve their application for supervised, illicit-drug injection sites in Montreal, which will make the city the second in Canada to host the controversial harm-reduction program.

But some are warning the strict law passed before the Conservatives left office will mean potential injection site operators will have to navigate a complicated legal maze aimed at preventing these sites from opening.

The chairman of the health centre expected to house Montreal's first legal injection site said he has "no doubt" the new Liberal health minister will approve the application after months of what he calls Conservative stalling.

[continues 578 words]

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